• Recent Sightings at RSPB Ham Wall - 21.07.2023

    With the sun shining for most of the week it's been wonderful to be out on the reserve and see so many butterflies - a stark contrast to a few weeks ago where they were almost non existent. The second generations of Red Admiral and Peacock in particular are the most common with some pristine looking specimens. Small Tortoiseshell however, often so abundant for us at this time of year, seem significantly reduced - weather…

  • Recent Sightings at RSPB Ham Wall - 14.07.2023

    What a miserable morning it was today. I was out with an engineer trying to do some fixes on our Softrak machine (the reed cutter). We were soaked through to the bone by the time we decided to call it a day. 

    Surprisingly though there was a fair amount of activity on the reserve from our resident wildlife. Swallows and martins were swooping low catching insects brought down by the rains in front of the first viewing platform…

  • Recent Sightings at RSPB Ham Wall - 07.07.2023

    Sorry about the absent blog last week - I simply had too much to do last week (I had been on a course for 2 days) and just ran out of time. But it's back this week - Hooray! There's lets to report despite it creeping towards what I think is the quietest time of year (for birds) on the reserve. In fact it's pretty quiet in terms of visitors too. I guess when the weather is hot, the wildlife is a bit quieter and many people…

  • Recent Sightings at RSPB Ham Wall - 23.06.2023

    With summer solstice already behind us it's no surprise to see plenty of young fledged (or close to it) birds around the reserve. The Jackdaws from last week have still been present and we have again been asking people not to feed them or encourage them to stay. They have been feeding and foraging on their own and so learning to be independent.  Not everyone will tolerate birds landing on them or begging for food and…

  • Recent Sightings at RSPB Ham Wall - 16.06.2023

    Some unexpected action in the car park over the last few days with 3 young Jackdaws making a nuisance of themselves. Begging for food, climbing on people, pecking at your feet etc. Not sure where they have come from (I mean, I know where babies come from - just the location of these). They seem very tame. We are asking people not to fed them as to discourage them from pestering people at picnic benches etc. We have left…

  • Do you want to see a flying ghost aka the Barn Owl at RSPB Ham Wall ?

    Blog Written by Tim Smith - Visitor Experience Officer, Ham Wall. 

    Barn Owls are a common favourite amongst bird lovers and June is perhaps the best time of year to see them in action at RSPB Ham Wall. Whilst in the midst of feeding their nestling young, adults can be seen busily hunting through the daylight hours, on top of their normal nocturnal and crepuscular (active at dawn and dusk) habits.

    Barn Owls are one of…

  • Recent Sightings at RSPB Ham Wall - 09.06.2023

    Despite the heat each day many birds are still busy across the reserve. I guess when there are hungry mouths to feed you have no choice. 

    The feeling is that earlier in the day before the temperatures really rise activity is more intense although some birds seem to be active all day.  Marsh Harriers are a good example of this - they seem to just keep going (must have some very demanding youngsters). Good activity reported…

  • Recent Sightings at RSPB Ham Wall - 02.06.2023

    I was up and about early this morning undertaking the last of my Breeding Bird Surveys (BBS) for the season. It's a great time of day to be up and about, once you've got over the haziness of being out of bed extra early. 

    The days have been pretty hot this week, with the mornings much cooler (almost cold at times). Birds are up and about at first light taking the opportunity to feed themselves and any youngsters…

  • Recent Sightings at RSPB Ham Wall - 26.05.2023

    Apologies for the lack of a sightings blog last week. Unfortunately I was attending a funeral but many thanks to my colleague Abbie who posted a great blog about our four spotted chaser dragonfly roost.

    The best spot to see them en masse is around the south eastern section of the Waltons trail. I was lucky enough to see them myself early in the week. Hundreds, if not thousands were present. The best time to go is earlier…

  • Viewing the Four-Spotted Chaser Spectacle at RSPB Ham Wall

    There is always plenty to see at RSPB Ham Wall and this time of year is no exception with the breeding season well under way and insect life starting to thrive.  Along with all the young and fledging birds bringing new life to the reedbeds, one of spectacles of the season is the four-spotted chaser dragonfly roost. It’s one of the most beautiful of wildlife spectacles with the shimmering wings of dragonflies sparkling…

  • Recent Sightings at RSPB Ham Wall - 12.05.2023

    Some wonderful spring days this week but also a hell of a lot of rain - absolutely torrential at times. The main drain through the reserve got so high that it over topped and sent water running over the grass footpath back into some sections of the reserve. 

    This creates a few problems obviously. For one it means we have to stop pumping as our outfall pipe is mostly underwater, so we are holding back water as well as it…

  • Eyes to the sky to catch hawking Hobbies at RSPB Ham Wall

    Did you know that the stunning Hobbies featured on Wild Isles were filmed at Ham Wall and you can see their incredible aerial antics for yourself? May is a fantastic month to visit Ham Wall to catch this spectacle for yourself as up to 60 Hobbies have been counted soaring through the skies in previous years.

    Hobby (falcon) flying directly towards the camera with wings raised. The background is a blue sky. 

    Hobby are medium sized falcons who are delicate and elegant aerial performers. Adults have dark grey backs, rusty…

  • Recent Sightings at RSPB Ham Wall - 05.05.2023

    May already! I must say though it is my favourite month. Always something going on or something new to discover. I was up early this morning at around 4.30am to lead a dawn chorus guided walk on the reserve so if this turns into monotonous drivel - you will know why. 

    One thing that's certainly not monotonous drivel is our star bird this week - the Great Reed Warbler. Great in both stature and sound. It was first seen…

  • Recent Sightings at RSPB Ham Wall - 28.04.2023

    This will have to be a fairly quick blog today as I'm very tight for time, but here goes anyway.

    Spring certainly felt like it was here today but other days have been decidedly miserable this week. Cold rain showers such as these will do no favours for some species of bird who perhaps nested a little earlier than usual. I've already heard about a couple of failures of Great White Egret nests in the Avalon Marshes…

  • Recent Sightings at RSPB Ham Wall - 21.04.2023

    Had a nice early start this morning to undertake the second of 4 breeding bird surveys. The first bird I heard as I got to the gate was my first cuckoo of the season - wonderful to hear. As I parked up it perched up in a large oak and called again. I mimicked the call - not particularly well I thought, but it was enough for him to come and have a closer look at me before flying off. What a wonderful start to the day. 

  • Recent Sightings at RSPB Ham Wall - 14.04.2023

    Lots of firsts for the season this again this week. On Tuesday a visitor reported the first Swift of the season on the reserve and yesterday the first Cuckoo was heard over at Westhay Moor during the second of our booming bittern surveys in the Avalon Marshes. The weather was a lot kinder to all the staff and volunteers this time and everyone seemed to have a good morning out, despite the very early start (4.30am).


  • Recent Sightings at RSPB Ham Wall - 06.04.2023

    Well, it felt like spring had finally sprung in full on Tuesday, with a glorious day. Unfortunately, it went AWOL yesterday and felt like winter again. The sun's done it's best to shine today, although a little windy as I undertook my first Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) of the season. Nothing particularly unusual in my area of the reserve but it was great to hear my first Reed Warbler of the season over near the Avalon Hide…

  • BBC Wild Isles – Freshwater Conservation in Somerset

    Fascinated by the Freshwater episode of Wild Isles? Wetlands are brilliant for biodiversity from the beginnings of rivers right down to the mouths! We’re experts in wetland conservation, from restoring old quarries to re-wiggling rivers, in Som...
  • Recent Sightings at RSPB Ham Wall - 31.03.2023

    Apologies for the lack of a blog last week. I was on a training course which took all day. It was nice to hear my first singing Willow Warbler of the season though and since then I've heard several more around the reserve along with blackcap and multiple numbers of chiffchaff. Chiffchaff seem to have overwintered in large numbers so it's no real surprise to hear so many in song. Thanks to John Crispin, Robin Morrison…

  • Recent Sightings at RSPB Ham Wall - 17.03.2023

    Spring is trying its best to get going but I've still been left feeling a little chilly at times this week. Spring migrants are beginning to arrive with around 500 sand martins reported over at Shapwick Heath yesterday - only a handful reported from Ham Wall so far and I'm still awaiting my first. 

    Birds are singing well, particularly during sunny spells - Tuesday morning was particularly pleasant with blackcap…

  • Recent Sightings at RSPB Ham Wall - 10.03.2023

    Spring faltered slightly this week with some much colder days and sleet/snow on Wednesday which didn't really settle here but did on higher ground and a little further north in the county. 

    Not surprisingly, wildlife sightings have been a little slower this week, although some birds seem determined to carry on regardless.

    Grey herons are already well underway on nests at several locations including within the Waltons…

  • Recent Sightings at RSPB Ham Wall - 03.03.2023

    Another week and indeed another month has flown by and we're into March - the start of spring? It's certainly felt very spring-like at times this week although there was always a very cold breeze to remind you that winter may not quite be done with us yet. 

    Wildlife is responding to the slightly milder (and thankfully dry) weather. A small tortoiseshell butterfly was spotted at the car park yesterday and I saw…

  • Recent Sightings at RSPB Ham Wall - 24.02.2023

    Firstly, apologies for the missing blog last week. I just ran out of time on Friday I'm afraid. It's a busy time of year as we struggle to finish all the reedbed and scrub work before the end of the month. Some areas are already out of bounds as birds such as grey heron are already setting up nests. We just have a couple of jobs left to do and then we have a little bit of down time before breeding season ramps up and…

  • Recent Sightings at RSPB Ham Wall - 10.02.2023

    Another pleasant week weather-wise with some lovely warm sunny spells interspersed with foggy and frosty mornings. It certainly has a feel of spring at about it at times but, as always, I'm expecting a rude awakening at some point where we may feel an icy blast or have some chaotic weather. 

    I will enjoy it while it's here though and make the most of it. On those frosty mornings watch out for the numerous chiffchaffs…

  • Recent sightings at RSPB Ham Wall - 03.02.2023

    The best sighting of the week has to be the 2 glossy ibis. Seen daily but sometimes briefly for several days. Today, however they seemed more settled, spending quite a bit of time in front of the first viewing platform (VP1) this morning amongst the Canada geese. They then got in amongst the lapwings before they all took off and circled around for a minute or so. They then settled again on the cut island in Waltons in…