• We are Closing the Shop for a Day

    The shop and visitor centre will be closed for a day on Tuesday 10th January 2012. The reserve, walks, trails and hides are, open at all times, and will not be affected.

  • Fancy a dip in the River Vyrnwy?

    Alright, I don’t mean swimming!

    Luke and his colleagues, have their accommodation close to the River Vyrnwy and their route home from the office takes them along the river path.

    On the 14th November a Dipper was spotted beside the Sculpture Park, and they were able to follow this beautiful bird for about 100 meters along side the river, and at one point came within 10 meters and were able to watch it cleaning…

  • Have you heard of a Woodcock Moon?

    Luke Robinson is with us at Lake Vyrnwy as a long term volunteer.

    He with, other volunteer colleagues, was out working on the northern side of the reserve, close to the forestry. They flushed out a Woodcock on the side of the path, which excited them since one of the party had not before seen this species.

    This is the time of the year, at a full moon, when it should be possible to see more of these secretive birds,…

  • As pretty as any picture you may see!

    A visit to Lake Vyrnwy really is a must in the next few days or weeks.

    Once again our fantastic scenery is doing us proud with spectacular autumn colours in the woodlands and hills around the Lake. The various hues of gold, amber, red and dark green go together to make a fantastic picture or photograph.

    When you come, why not include a visit to our RSPB shop which is well stocked with imaginative Christmas gifts, colourful…

  • United Utilities - RSPB vision for the Lake Vyrnwy Estate

    The Lake Vyrnwy area is loved and valued by millions of people for a wealth of reasons – as a landscape of great beauty, as an area of huge importance for wildlife and as a catchment area for supplying water to millions of homes. Its attractiveness as a destination for visitors and tourists, as well as its importance as an area for farming and forestry, brings significant economic benefits to the local community. Its…

  • RSPB Cymru Lake Vyrnwy Community Update - October 2011

    Why are RSPB & UU in partnership?  The RSPB and UU’s believe that a partnership at Vyrnwy is the best way of securing the wider public interests in the estate.  Both organisations have a primary interest and expertise in managing different assets of the estate - UU on water quality and sustainable catchment management, the RSPB on farm and conservation management, restoration of habitats and introducing people…

  • Annual Shop Stocktake.

    Just to let you all know, that  the annual shop stocktahe takes place this Wednesday, September 28th.

    As a consequence the shop will be closing early on that day.

    Normal opening hours recommence the following day Thursday 29th September.

    Please telephone for further information, 01691 870278

  • We have had to temporarily suspend feeding our Birds

    Due to an outbreak of Trichomoniasis, we have had to suspend feeding the Birds at our Coed y Capel hide and outside the RSPB shop at Lake Vyrnwy.


    Trichononas gallinae is a single celled parasite that can cause a disease known as trichomonosis in British Birds.


    The disease was first seen in British finch species in the summer of 2005. It has continued to cause  death in finches in 2008, 2009, and 2010. The number…

  • Our Rivers Campaign

    Sometimes, if you stand on the bottom rail of a bridge and lean over to watch the river slipping slowly away beneath you, you will suddenly know everything there is to be known.

    (A.A. Milne, Winnie the Pooh)



    When was the last time you played pooh sticks? Or went on a boat trip? Do you have a favourite riverside walk? Or do you find your peace with a split cane rod in your hand, safely out of mobile phone reception…



    Severn Trent is pleased to announce that United Utilities and RSPB Cymru are their joint preferred bidders for the substantial agricultural holdings (lots 1 & 2) at Lake Vyrnwy and that FIM Sustainable Timber & Energy LP  is the preferred bidder for the commercial woodland (lot 3) on the estate.


    The preferred bidders with Severn Trent Water will now enter into a three month statutory consultation with Countryside…

  • A great “Centenary” effort by Wildlife Explorer Aaron Lowe

    A solo walk around Lake Vyrnwy.


    Aaron Lowe, from Derby, is a frequent visitor to Lake Vyrnwy, staying at a caravan with his family nearby.


    He is an avid Pin Badge collector, but the family rule is that he must see the bird in question before buying.


    RSPB Cymru is celebrating the centenary of the establishment of the RSPB in Wales, and as part of our celebrations has produced a commemorative set of special Pin…

  • Visitors see things too

    But for a chance conversation in the Coed y Capel hide on Big Garden Birdwatch day, Mark Leonard's excellent photo of an otter swimming in the pool below the dam (see the Gallery) would have been known only to Mark himself and his family.
    Apart from proving that otters are present at Vyrnwy, this photo helps enormously in making the case for wildlife on our reserve. It's a great example of the sort of valuable record…
  • Recent sightings

    Big Garden Bird Watch weekend was a great success with the usual suspects making an appearance to our hide in the car park: great tit, blue tit, robin, nuthatch, coal tit, marsh tit, greater spotted woodpecker, bullfinch, siskin, goldfinch, brambling and chaffinch.

    The Lake itself is still buzzing with Canada Goose, goldeneye, little grebe, mallard and teal being spotted at the weekend.

    Our wardens are happy to see…

  • Lake Vyrnwy Recent Sightings

    Great to see all of our usual little garden friends visiting our feeders outside the shop and down in the hide by the Car Park; blue tits, great tits, siskin, chaffinch, coal tit, marsh tit, goldfinch, nuthatch and robins galore :-)

    The Lake is coming alive too with mallard, 3 little grebe, 7 comorant, 2 wigeon, goosander, goldeneye and teal having a good swim around the place. Around the dam and by the river we have grey…

  • RSPB celebrates 100 years working in Wales

    This year the RSPB celebrates100 years of working in Wales and has come a long way since its humble beginnings.

    The charity's work protecting birds, wildlife and habitats in Wales started in 1911 with a Mr and Mrs Jones carrying out a small project to look after roseate terns on the island of Llanddwyn, off the coast of Anglesey in North Wales.

    Llanddwyn Island on Anglesey. Image courtesy of the RSPB.

    Llanddwyn Island on Anglesey. Image courtesy of the RSPB.

    In 1948…

  • Listen out for those Sleigh Bells!

    Father Christmas has agreed to visit the RSPB at Lake Vyrnwy.
    We are all in the grip of winter weather with snow on the hills around Lake Vyrnwy. This should enable Father Christmas and his reindeer to have a far easier journey when he comes to visit our shop. He has decided to stay the weekend, (the grazing is good for the reindeer!) and will be meeting young and old on Saturday 18th December and Sunday 19th December…
  • Volunteers wanted for weekend walks

    Our informal programme of guided walks at weekends has been well received this year and we plan to continue with it through 2011.
     During the summer, we offer two walks each Saturday and Sunday: one at 11:30 am and one at 2:00 pm. The walk lasts about an hour and a half and includes some nice views, a bit of Vyrnwy history, and seasonal nature observations - including birds, when present!
     When the clocks go back, we…
  • Winter's here! It's snowing!!

    Well, winter has arrived, and at the moment (Thursday 25th Midday) it is snowing hard and we can't see across the Lake!
    Because the ground is frozen and the forecast is not good, we are cancelling our event “Plant a Tree” on this Saturday
    The last thing we want is to not give new saplings a fighting chance of survival in the harsh conditions.
  • Mid-Wales Housing Association joins fight to save the Lake Vyrnwy Estate


    Mid Wales Housing Association, based in Newtown, and RSPB Cymru have joined forces in a bid to purchase the Lake Vyrnwy Estate.


    If successful, the partnership will ensure the local community of Llanwddyn and nearby villages truly benefit from the sale of the estate by owners Severn Trent Water.


    Shane Perkins, Chief Executive of Mid Wales Housing Association explained: “For its part, RSPB Cymru has the skills needed…

  • Half-Term fun and frolics at RSPB Lake Vyrnwy

    The RSPB reserve at Lake Vyrnwy is looking at its spectacular best at present, with fantastic autumn colours tinting the woodlands in various shades of gold through to different shades of green. It is really worth a visit to this wonderful part of Wales to enjoy the scenery and have a relaxing walk.
    Why not plan your visit over the weekend of Saturday October 30th and Sunday 31st?
    On Saturday 30th, at 1.00 pm, the…
  • Photographic Competition. Results are in!


    Thank you for supporting another great Photographic Competition this year here at Lake Vyrnwy. We had over 500 votes cast throughout the Bank Holiday weekend and the results are as follows.


    Photograph of Birds or Birds          Winner - Ashley Hugo from St Ives in Cornwall.


    Other Wildlife                                    Winner - Mike Broom from Stafford


    Landscape Photograph                 Winner - Aaron Lowe from Llwydiarth, Powys.

  • Planning a visit now the autumn is with us?

    Are you aware of our free weekend walks? Every Saturday and Sunday throughout the year, regardless of weather, our guided walks set off from the RSPB shop at 11:30 am and 2:00 pm, led by knowledgeable volunteers.

    They last about an hour, and at this time of year the wide array of fungi in Vyrnwy's woods, as well as the chance to practise tree identification skills, provide plenty of interest and challenge. You'll…

  • Summer Fun for all the family.

    Starting this weekend, there is something for everyone to enjoy on a visit to Lake Vyrnwy. 

    On Saturday 21st, Thursday 26th and Saturday 28th of August there are guided Walks to the Blanket Bog, offering an opportunity to visit the high moor surrounding the Lake and learn more about the ecology of this rare and beautiful habitat. Booking essential.

    On the Saturday evening of the 21st there will be one of the popular…

  • Over, but not lying down just yet.

    Flying now for three weeks, stronger and stronger every day, the young peregrines are absent from the cliff for lengthy periods each day, and we have judged it's time for us to vacate Date With Nature Peregrine Watch at the Lakeside hide.

    It's not totally over, though. This afternoon (Monday 26th July), as we were clearing away some of the equipment, we heard screaming directly overhead and looked up to see one…

  • Mission accomplished?

    This very dry spring has already seen the water level in the lake drop startlingly low. Is it going to be a "village year", when the foundations of the drowned buildings of old Llanwddyn see the sunlight again?
    Despite the drought and the cold start, the Vyrnwy peregrines have so far managed to pull off the difficult challenges of parenthood - 3 eggs, 3 chicks, and now 3 handsome fledglings learning independence…