A solo walk around Lake Vyrnwy.


Aaron Lowe, from Derby, is a frequent visitor to Lake Vyrnwy, staying at a caravan with his family nearby.


He is an avid Pin Badge collector, but the family rule is that he must see the bird in question before buying.


RSPB Cymru is celebrating the centenary of the establishment of the RSPB in Wales, and as part of our celebrations has produced a commemorative set of special Pin Badges including what will be a very rare Golden Curlew. It was explained to Aaron that to obtain a set we were looking for a donation of £70.00: a bit beyond his pocket money!


After a chat with Aaron and his family it was suggested that he arrange some form of sponsored event, suitable for a young “couch potato” (his mother’s words!). The suggestion was made that he walk around Lake Vyrnwy, a distance of 11.75 miles, just under a half marathon.


A few weeks ago he accomplished this feat, leaving his mother well behind after the first few miles.


The photograph is of Roger Whiteway, People Engagement Officer at Lake Vyrnwy Reserve accepting a cheque for a magnificent £140.00, and presenting Aaron with his Centenary set of Pin Badges


A really magnificent effort, Aaron, well done.

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