• Lake Vyrnwy Estate for sale.

    It as announced today by Severn Trent Water, that they are offering the Lake Vyrnwy Estate for sale.

    Position Statement - Severn Trent Water sale of land at Lake Vyrnwy

    The RSPB Lake Vyrnwy nature reserve is part of the Berwyn Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and was declared as a National Nature Reserve (NNR) in October 1998.  It also forms 26.5% of the Berwyn Special Protection Area (SPA) for peregrine…
  • Lessons learned from peregrine watching

    Don't put your camera on a round spike in loose ground where high winds are likely - or even a stiff breeze.
    Don't mount your telescopes on a shelf that wobbles whenever somebody leans on it (especially children).
    Very important - don't make notes on a pocket voice recorder and leave them for weeks without transcribing them.

    Only today, when we looked back at voice notes made over the last six weeks, did we deduce…

  • The good news, or the bad news?

    The good news, or the bad news? Some choice items in both categories today (Sunday 20th June).
    Bad first. The brilliant little camera that has been giving us a view directly into the nest for the last week started to swing round on its mounting a couple of days ago, and today, in quite a stiff breeze, it swung right around to point into the vegetation, so now all we can see is leaves. It's a big disappointment, and…
  • Peregrines in glorious colour!

    When we started this Peregrine Watch Date With Nature thing back in late
    March, it was always our intention to get tv pictures in front of the
    public. We fitted out the hide with a big flat screen, we set up a box
    outside for a propane-powered generator, and we put a radio aerial
    outside to pick up a signal from the camera we planned to put on the
    cliff across the lake.

    Unfortunately, as we all know, nature…

  • Migrate with us!

    Monday 31st May, 8:00 am to 10:00 am, Migrant Discovery Walk - nothing to do with patrolling the nation's borders, just a Bank Holiday Monday saunter through the wood and up the hill to renew acquaintance with tiny travellers back from incredible journeyings. A little party of early breakfasters, all agog for the benefit of Assistant Warden Stuart's expertise.

    With the village swifts darting between the rooftops…

  • Have they - or haven't they?!

    We think - we may be wrong, but we don't think so - we think, we are
    fairly certain, the peregrines have hatched their first chick.

    This morning (Tuesday, 25th) the activity was intense up there on the
    ledge, with both parent birds in attendance most of the morning, and,
    thrillingly, around mid-morning, the male bird arrived carrying food -
    which, after flying by a couple of times, it deposited on the ledge…

  • TheCatInTheHat Reports.

    All is well with the peregrines. We watched a changeover yesterday in
    mid-afternoon, which was the first real action all day and gave some
    visitors a really good view of the off-duty bird sitting nearby.

    The nesting site is concealed behind a hedge of heather on a high ledge,
    so most sightings are only glimpses of tail and wingtips as the
    incubating parent shifts on the eggs. There will be more to see soon,

  • Bog is Beautiful!

    Do you know about our Life Active Blanket Bog Project here at Lake Vyrnwy?

    We have special team working on our high moors conserving and restoring our blanket bogs.

    So why are bogs important? Not only do they create an environment for many specialist plants, insects and birds but they are also a very important resource for combating climate change. The bog is a huge carbon store that needs to remain locked away. By…

  • Latest from CatinTheHat at DWN site

    Another Monday in the Lakeside Hide:

    While we're waiting for the peregrines to hatch, there's nothing much
    happening on the cliff. A couple of times a day we see the parent bird
    fly off the ledge, circle round a few times, maybe rest for a while in a
    tree and then fly back to the ledge. This happens suddenly, so it's
    difficult to keep track of both birds and we're never quite sure at long

  • Latest update from the Front Line!

    Our correspondent, Graham, has revealed himself as “CatinTheHat”, in future to be known as our Roving Reporter! He reports from the Date with Nature site as follows:-
    “The peregrines are keeping a very low profile but there is no doubt they are present and paired. Today's sightings were brief, but both birds were at the nesting ledge and calling was clearly heard across the lake.
    We last saw…
  • News from the "Front Line"

    Our most excellent volunteer Graham reports from the Date with Nature site:-

    “There's a pair of goosanders at the top of the lake. While I was idling
    the morning away waiting for peregrines to show, I saw something I
    haven't seen before, namely the female goosander entering and leaving
    the nestbox. She did it a couple of times, while he swam around
    admiringly. She can't climb up to it, and at first she didn…

  • Ups and Downs!


    Monday and a beautiful day again.

    There have been some ups and downs over the weekend, however far more ups!

    We have welcomed to the reserve RSPB Local Groups; firstly on Saturday the Cheshire Group led by Paul Grimmett. As I was welcoming them in car park, the shout went up “Red Kite!” spotted soaring above us in the clear blue sky, a great start to the day. On Sunday we welcomed members of the Wolverhampton Group…

  • Fab Weather!

    Well the fabulous weather continues. This morning crossing the dam on the way to work the lake was flat calm and like a mirror. The forecast is good, so why not visit this weekend?

    On the bird front the Peregrines are still putting on a show, two pairs for a time today. Also Ravens showing well from the Date with Nature site, we believe feeding young.

    The Osprey is still around, in fact we think we may have seen a…

  • Its all happening!!

    Been away at the Members Conference for the last few days - well worth going - lookout for details and book for next year!

    Well its all happening in my absence! An Osprey has been seen on and off for the past three weeks, and an Otter at the Lakeside hide, currently our “Date with Nature” site.

    Migrants are coming in thick and fast now, Ring Ouzel in the Gadfa area, Redstarts, Pied Fly and Willow Warbler…

  • Settling In!



    Not the clearest picture, but taken through a scope approximately 1/2 mile from our viewing hide.

    We hope this pair of peregrines will soon settle and begin to lay eggs and hopefully rear young.

    We have had some disturbance, not least from a second pair of Peregrines, unsuspecting walkers in an area not that accessible, and low flying Hercules and Chinook aircraft!!

    Still we are getting some spectacular views of…

  • Lambing on the Farm - Live!!


    Lambing for all!                                                                

     Lambing is in full swing on our farm, and there is still time to book and come to this popular event - don’t delay, places are filling fast!!


    So far this Easter we have welcomed over 200 people to these events, and without exception everyone has had a great time. You will have an opportunity to cuddle a lamb, and very possibly act as a midwife, and help at the birth.



  • Welcome to Lake Vyrnwy Blog.


    This is the first blog from Lake Vyrnwy, so here goes!


    For those of you that don’t know us, the reserve is situated in the Berwyn Mountains, just east of Snowdonia, the boundary of which adjoins the reserve.


    Lake Vyrnwy reserve is huge! It extends to some 25,500 acres, approx 7 miles from east to west as the Raven flies, and 5 miles north to south. Within the reserve the RSPB manage 11,500 acres of organic…