Our informal programme of guided walks at weekends has been well received this year and we plan to continue with it through 2011.

 During the summer, we offer two walks each Saturday and Sunday: one at 11:30 am and one at 2:00 pm. The walk lasts about an hour and a half and includes some nice views, a bit of Vyrnwy history, and seasonal nature observations - including birds, when present!

 When the clocks go back, we drop the Saturday walks and bring the Sunday afternoon one forward to 1:30 pm.

 At present, we have one volunteer who leads all the walks. He wants to share the load and is very willing to train up some other enthusiastic walk leaders. They would need to live within reasonable travelling distance of Lake Vyrnwy and be free at weekends. A sunny disposition and a liking for all sorts of people are more important than technical knowledge or experience - though, since we are the RSPB, it would be good to know a little bit about birds!

 If you're interested, contact Roger Whiteway (roger.whiteway@rspb.org.uk) Graham Williams (graham.williams@rspb.org.uk) for more information.

Are you a member of the RSPB? Nature is amazing, help us keep it that way.  To join contact me on roger.whiteway@rspb.org.uk