The RSPB reserve at Lake Vyrnwy is looking at its spectacular best at present, with fantastic autumn colours tinting the woodlands in various shades of gold through to different shades of green. It is really worth a visit to this wonderful part of Wales to enjoy the scenery and have a relaxing walk.


Why not plan your visit over the weekend of Saturday October 30th and Sunday 31st?


On Saturday 30th, at 1.00 pm, the staff at the reserve are taking part in nationwide events to celebrate RSPB’s national “Feed the Birds” day and will be helping young people to make feeders and learn about keeping our “feathered friends” well fed this winter. There will also be a scavenger hunt around the reserve helping learn about wildlife; with prizes at the end!


While the family and young people are occupied, there will be an opportunity to view and try all the latest models in our Optics range at an Optics Day demonstration. This will be open from 10.30 am to 4.00 pm and affords an opportunity to see our brand new HD compact binoculars, available in 8x25 and 10x25. These are very well priced and compare favourable with well-known makes such as Swaroviski or Nikon.


Watch out on Sunday 31st, at around, we believe “Witches on Broomsticks” will be about the reserve! Come and join in our Halloween celebrations – Fancy dress essential!

Are you a member of the RSPB? Nature is amazing, help us keep it that way.  To join contact me on