Big Garden Bird Watch weekend was a great success with the usual suspects making an appearance to our hide in the car park: great tit, blue tit, robin, nuthatch, coal tit, marsh tit, greater spotted woodpecker, bullfinch, siskin, goldfinch, brambling and chaffinch.

The Lake itself is still buzzing with Canada Goose, goldeneye, little grebe, mallard and teal being spotted at the weekend.

Our wardens are happy to see the black grouse making an appearance up on the moors, and visitors at the weekend were pleased to spot a pair of kestrels at the far side of the lake.

Redpoll and redwings are taking over the forestry on our blue trail walk, as well as song thrush and large flocks of crossbill.

Goshawk is making a regular appearance on the red trail and on the blue trail walk, a welcome surprise for some walkers on Sunday :-)