Father Christmas has agreed to visit the RSPB at Lake Vyrnwy.


We are all in the grip of winter weather with snow on the hills around Lake Vyrnwy. This should enable Father Christmas and his reindeer to have a far easier journey when he comes to visit our shop. He has decided to stay the weekend, (the grazing is good for the reindeer!) and will be meeting young and old on Saturday 18th December and Sunday 19th December.


He will be in his grotto from Midday to 3.00 pm on each day.


For a small donation of £3.50, there will be presents for the young, as well as an opportunity to make sure he knows what to deliver on Christmas Day.


If you haven’t finished decorating your bedroom, there is also an opportunity to make some crafty decorations to take home.


Mums and Dads are invited to enjoy a glass of Punch (Non-Alcoholic, so you can safely drive!) and a mince pie during your visit.

Are you a member of the RSPB? Nature is amazing, help us keep it that way.  To join contact me on roger.whiteway@rspb.org.uk