Great to see all of our usual little garden friends visiting our feeders outside the shop and down in the hide by the Car Park; blue tits, great tits, siskin, chaffinch, coal tit, marsh tit, goldfinch, nuthatch and robins galore :-)

The Lake is coming alive too with mallard, 3 little grebe, 7 comorant, 2 wigeon, goosander, goldeneye and teal having a good swim around the place. Around the dam and by the river we have grey heron, dipper, kingfisher, pied wagtail and fresh otter tracks!

In the woodland, on our blue and red trails, we have crossbill, goshawk, redpoll, redwing, willow tit and a fab find of a great grey shrike!

Lovely to see large flocks of long-tailed tit around the reserve, all huddling together in the tops of our deciduos woodland.

The male peregrine is being spotted daily from our lakeside hide, sitting on the cliff face marking its territory and awaiting its mate who will return in early March.