I have been up to some exciting adventures.
Let's start with my second sea trip out on a trawlers fishing…
At this time of the year when we go to sea, we get a bit apprehensive because of the changing weather…
30 degrees and counting. It's hot and London's mosquito season is in full swing, evidenced by the itchy…
Hi everybody.
My name is John Paterson and I am the first Albatross Task Force Instructor to be based…
It's started. Our Aren't birds brilliant! Tate peregrine watch is underway. The birds are using…
I recently returned from my trip on the Astra 1 after 15 days at sea, but we were only able to fish for…
I ate my first wild blackberry Saturday (12 July), plucked from a bramble in Woodford that was overburdened…
I am back to land after 22 days at sea and lots of fishing. This cruise gave me the opportunity to share…
I'm sitting in the port of Coquimbo in Chile, just about to set off for a month aboard a longline vessel…