The Siskin came back

Having decided on doing my  BGBW duties between 09:30 and 10:30, the question was whether or not anything interesting would arrive. Throughput the hour there were my usual visitors such as male and female Blackbirds, male and female Chaffinch and the usual collection of Great and Coal Tits. The arrival of two 'tough-guy' Starlings almost put paid to the last half hour, but with 5 minutes to go my two Siskin, which are occasional visitors in the garden to be added to the list. In the last 2 minutes a whole roost of over 40 Feral Pigeons landed on the back lawn, along with a single Wood Pigeon and 2 x Collared Doves to complete a great hour.

Strangely enough 20 minutes after the end of the hour my daughter called me to her bedroom window to see the most handsome Kestrel sitting on the washing line. What an addition that would have been if it could only have told the time.

Bring on next year