It is very important for us to know how Harapan Rainforest is regenerating. To do that we need to…
£2.99 for 175g, the blackberries in my supermarket. The hedgerows round Hackney are now groaning…
The big news from Namibia is that we have now begun our research project, and flown the first ever bird…
We are currently celebrating the achievements of Harapan Rainforest’s mobile school. Twenty-one children…
The Rathlin colony is really busy with lots of seabird noise and smells! Razorbills have been fledging…
What a busy few weeks I have had in June, finally things are slowing down as the razorbill and…
Tori lines (or bird-scaring lines) are one of the measures most commonly used to reduce seabirds from…
Forget soft and fluffy, think the terminator of pigeons on wings.
There'll be no explosions, except for…
Sun bathing blackbirds are a thing to behold. The first time I saw one, I thought I was looking at a…