Members’ Weekend is a whistle-stop tour of some of the most exciting conservation projects in the country. This year it takes place from 27-29 March at the University of York.

Our dedicated, passionate staff will share stories of some of the vital, and at times weird and wonderful, work we’re doing to save nature. 

We’ll also have guest appearances from three exciting celebrity speakers. 

There will be tales of warty natterjacks and eels in schools, of adventures with orchids and an update on our efforts to save the dawn chorus.

When and where?

Members' Weekend takes place on 27-29 March 2015 at the University of York.

Who can go?

Any member! We get first timers, regulars, couples and people by themselves. We also get birdwatchers, nature lovers or people who simply just care about the planet. 

Everyone enjoys it and is made thoroughly welcome.

How do I book?

Book Here

Any questions?

If you want to ask us anything at all about Members' Weekend, please contact the Events team on 01767 680551 or e-mail us.

Why not check out the news from the wildlife enquiries team?