In my garden.....

So instead of starting a new discussion everytime I get new visitors or decent shots of wildlife in the garden I shall just keep adding to this one.

So today it was the Great Spotted Woodpecker, 2 of them chasing each other around the trees

Just managed to catch the 2 of them together

Then it was Woodpecker v Starlings....yes I see yous up there

Move out of my way as am coming up...

I said moooooove...

you were warned...

ah...peace to eat at last..

I Dont mind sharing with the dunnock though, just those pesky starlings I dont like lol

Dunnock, robin and thrush happily hopping about together

Gorgeousredwing still around

Flying without wings.....

I just like the different colours of the trees and sky not all grey for a change!

Mr & Mrs RRB (bad pic but it difficult to get them together)

and up last its a wee lollipop

Think that will do for today as I have probably bored you all long enough lol

(Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • My goodness you and hubby have been very busy indeed. Lovely looking pond. I am a bit clueless regarding ponds and was wondering, once you set the pond in place do you need piping, filters, liners or what? Or do you just fill said pond with water and plants!? Lovely Birdie photos, once the water settles the birds will soon be in there.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • 'Scuse my ignorance, but why is it a bank holiday in Scotland, Linda? I can't see it on any of the many birdie/nature calendars we have all over the house and it is not on any of the half dozen links I checked online.

    Kind regards, Ann

  • "September Weekend" nonesense Ann....Just a local  holiday...Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Kilmarnock and some of Paisley. ...according to the royal mail

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Thanks Catlady. As its a prefabricated pond and only used for wildlife you dont need to do anything other than add water and some plants after 7 days if filled by tapwater...mines looks so dirty because I put fresh washed gravel (which wasnt washed) in the plants to weigh them down and some pebbles on the bottom so the beasties can hide amongst them. My 1st pond has a liner in it as its actually a kids blue plastic paddling pool lol. I do sometimes put my little floating solar powered fountain in it to oxygenate the water but not always sunny. I have no idea what to do with real ponds made from just liner though!!

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Well done with the pond Linda you might get a grey heron in now looking for fish ?
  • Thanks can look and pose for a pic or 2 but no fish shall be found in my ponds!

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Well you have been busy, grand job you have made too Linda, no wonder you are feeling weary. The birds will be flocking to the water before long and bet you are tempted to put your toes in there too.

    Lot to learn

  • Thanks Gaynor....only thing taking an interest in it today was a cat...oh maybe its a "Scottish Wild Cat" lol

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Been lots of blue skies, frost and 24hrs of heavy rain since my last post.

    So here is a wee catch up of pics from the garden

    RRB looking stunning come rain

    Or shine (taking centre stage as always)

    We also have stunning Jenny

    Followed closely by a ragged one!

    Chaffis  are in abundance these days..even hoggin the feeder

    Dunnock looking super also

    Then ma soaked GSW put in an appearance...always a delight to see

    Smile for Linda!

    My new pond has been emptied and refilled as the water wasnt settling (too much sand got in)

    Nice to see the stick bridge being used Wink

    More winter stashing being done!

    Drenched Green hoover Hushed

    Gotta finish in the sun

    Lovely little BT

    And bathing during sunset awww

    Hope you all enjoyed the catchup. Stay safe . Take care.

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • fab stuff linda. We've had rain. rain, wind and more rain the last few days ;o(