Norfolk Holiday Report Pt#6; Thursday and Cromer Peregrines

Today wasn't intended to be a local day, though thankfully it turned out to be just that, or Mrs PR and myself would not have seen the peregrines. 

For those who missed Pt#5; click the link Point right Norfolk Holiday Report Pt#5; Wednesday 

Another sunrise, the last of the week

using the Star6 filter

The wildlife friendly garden enjoying the glow from the morning sun

Plenty of poppies among the wild flowers

The starlings “Feed me, feed me…..

All gone....

One adult half of  the two blackbird families nesting in the bushes

and to show his domain stretches beyond the grass, the gatepost...

More insects on the roof!

Under the eaves as well perhaps!

There were plenty of honeybees, as  always, cos I often get the ID's  wrong, corrections gratefully received....

Cromer Park Gardens

Starlings, young and elders, taking a splash in the garden water feature

Last but by no means least, Cromer Peregrines..

The story as I understood it at the time, one of the parents was trying to get junior to fledge....

But junior wasn't going for it, not this time, and the parent (a beautiful looking bird) had to have a rest...

There is a live stream of the peregrines, along with info on the peregrine program via the Cromer Peregrine Project webpages.

That concludes Pt#6, the concluding part, Pt#7, to follow soon

There are more photos of the peregrines in my June 2024 Album for those who want to have a nosey.