• South Stack on the BBC

    As mentioned previously, we recently had a visit from 'Weather man walking' Derek Brockway... here is what BBC blogger, Gull, had to say about the visit...


    You'll have to wait until next year for the progamme to be aired, but in the meantime why not come down and see us. The mountain paths are accessible and we can provide maps, the scenery is…

  • Save Our Seabirds!

    Please do something to protect our precious seabirds by stepping up for nature and signing the pledge below...


    It only takes a minute and will provide vital support to the birds you may encounter on our reserve.

    Many thanks in advance,

    Kathy and the team at South Stack x

  • Centenary Celebration!*!*!

    Hi guys, just to remind you that tomorow is our celebration of 100 years of the RSPB doing conservation work in Wales. Come along and join in the fun and games with us. There will be things to do for all the family so please help us celebrate the wonderful work of the biggest conservation organisation in Europe...

  • Chough-lets!

    We can confirm that we can definately see four Chough chicks in the Mousetrap nest (the nest you can watch online).

    The 'Chough-lets' have grown enormously since they first hatched and the parents are being very diligent, keeping the nest tidy and feeding them regularly.

    We are still waiting for names for our extended Chough family so please post your ideas!

  • The beginning of May on the reserve

    Hello friends of South Stack! My name is Kathy and I'm a new People Engagement Assistant on the reserve. Thought I'd better introduce myself before letting you know a little of what's been going on this month so far...

    We have three residential volunteers working with us at the moment, Katherine, Graham and Jim. Katherine and Graham have previously helped out at Lake Vyrnwy and Jim is in his twentieth year…

  • Puffing Puffins

    Hi all!

    Well well, we have had an absolutely fabulous day for Puffins today.  We have been getting great views of them on our live camera's in Ellins Tower displaying some serious courtship rituals!  The males have been 'puffing' themselves up, making them look rather large round their tummies! 

    When courting, the males will puff themselves up, flapping thier wings rapidly, all in the hope of attracting a…

  • Lizard Safari - A Big Hit!!!

    Hi all,

    Just  a short update to let you all know that our new Lizard Safari walks at South Stack have started and have attracted much interest from families and are especially popular with the kids.

     Having completed three walks this week - I pleased to say that we have seen numerous common lizards and 3 of our illusive reptile species 'the Adder'

     6 year old Wildlife explorer Henry, one our young Lizard Safari participants…

  • What a beautiful weekend!

    Well, its official, spring is definately in full swing here at South Stack!

    If you take just a short walk in the heath your soon immersed in the wonderful scenery with Wheatears, Stonechat and Swallows wizzing by, with some lovely butterflies starting to venture out and some great big bumblebees looking very busy indeed! 

    One of our dear Chough Pairs, Mr and Mrs Mousetrap, are settling down to breed.  Mrs Mousetrap made…

  • A New Day A New Beginning

    Welcome to a new spring  day - a new RSPB Visitor Centre and  the start of an exciting new beginning in the history of  RSPB South Stack Cliffs.

    It’s been a long journey -  after much hard work we have finally reached our destination -  a visitor attraction that:

    • Opens daily 10 am-5 pm  all year-round
    • has a café Serving Delicious Food and Drink
    • has a retail outlet offering quality RSPB products, with…

  • Visible Migration of Sand Martins

    Just a quick update to inform you all that today at South Stack we witnessed a spectacular visible migration of Sand Martins returning from African wintering grounds to Britain for the approaching breeding season, what a marvellous sight - hundreds of these tenacious little birds returning from an exhaustive and arduous journey to this beautiful land of ours to breed,  

    Sand Martins are one of the first returning migrant…

  • Our Puffins are back !!!


    stop press + stop press+ stop press + stop press + stop press + stop press + stop press 


    They are back!!! and they mean business - Our Puffins have returned and have been spotted at South Stack (Saturday 19th March)  - they have been away for a while - now they are back and getting fruity - isn't nature a wonderful thing !  come over to beautiful South Stack and see these colourful and wondrous birds for…
  • Spring The Coolest Thing !!!!

    Where do I start ? well the signs of spring are ubiquitous, daffodils bursting with colour, snowdrops piercing through the dark soil in all purity, days are getting longer, birdsong is all around us - what a truly magnificent time of year - the light, colour and life that is spring is once more making a welcome return.

    Whilst taking an early walk through South Stack a few days ago I was fortunate enough to spot several…

  • The Guillemots!! (not the rock band...)

    What a great way start to the week, clear blue skies and warm sunshine! Perfect to get out and about around the reserve, and that is exactly what I have been doing. Bill and Eveline, our dedicated local volunteers, undertake any maintenance jobs that need doing around the reserve, from fixing fences to building bridges – there isn’t a lot they can’t do! And gratefully I have been able to help them with their tasks and…
  • Happy New Year Everyone!

    I would like to take this opportunity on behalf of all the staff at RSPB South Stack to say a special thank you to all the visitors, customers and volunteers that have given their custom, time, support, love and sacrifice for the good of the RSPB South Stack Nature Reserve and all it’s habitats and wildlife in 2010 – and wish each and every one of you the very best of love and wishes for this coming 2011…
  • Peeeee-wit!

    The familiar and brilliant sound of a lapwing! Never have I seen so many all together – the fields here at South Stack are full of them, like the starlings, curlews and thrushes too. They caught my eye instantly with their lazy almost butterfly–like flight. And if you’re lucky enough to get close you can admire their brilliant almost iridescent plumage of green and purple – how wonderful! Golden plover have…
  • Let it Snow - Let it Snow - Let it Snow!

    Wow it’s beautiful – this week has seen the first covering of snow on the Snowdonia Mountain Range with great views from the RSPB Café at South Stack, a stunning reminder that winter is well and truly on it’s way,

    Don’t worry about the snow and cold weather outside because a warm welcome by all our staff will always await you at our RSPB South Stack Café and talking of snow- I’m proud to announce…

  • Flock together!

    South Stack is now beginning to feel the cold grip of winter. But with it we have had beautiful crisp clear mornings that reveal the impressive Snowdonia moutain range and Llyn peninsular hills to the south.
    Wildlife is wonderful too. Everything seems to be flocking together…including the sheep of course! I have watched as the Starlings rise, fall, twist and turn in perfect synchronized formation. The Jackdaws have…
  • Autumn wonders

    Autumn is no exception as far as wildlife is concerned. In fact this is my favourite time of year. The sunlight is low and bright illuminating the wonderful cliffs and heathland. Red Admirals, Tortoiseshells and Peacocks are still in flight – catch one as it lands and you may be lucky to see their wonderful red, blue and yellow patterns close up! The Peacock butterfly over-winters as an adult butterfly before emerging…
  • Delightful Dolphins

    Hello all,

    As some of you may be aware, Ellin's Tower is now closed for the season.  However, why not wrap up and head over for a visit, as we have had some fabulous sightings of dolphins, porpoise and seals over the last few weeks.  Keep your eyes peeled to spot the energetic dolphins jumping out of the water, or see the porpoise racing in the tidal currents; we have even had a few mother and calf sightings close…

  • Cafe staying open until 4th January 2011

    You asked and we delivered!  Since taking over the Café in April 2010 and carrying out some extensive refurbishments, we have been gathering all of your feedback and a recurring theme kept on popping up: please keep the Café open!  Well, we are delighted to announce that we have indeed listened to your feedback and will now be staying open everyday up until 4th January 2011, excluding Christmas Day (we will…
  • Keep your eyes to the skies!

    This August has been busy with visitors and wildlife. I continue to be amazed by what South Stack has to offer as we head in to late summer. The Heathland has turned a beautiful mosaic of  light purple and yellow as the ling heather and Western Gorse bloom.
    At South Stack Lighthouse last week I had a very inspirational day. It began with my descent down the steps to the bridge. I couldn’t help but stop and look at…
  • Not Just Birds! Discover some Amazing Archaeology at South Stack Reserve on Your Next Visit…

    Although South Stack is most often thought of as synonymous with the bustling sea-cliff breeding sites, the reserve also encompasses a fantastic swathe of heathland (the largest area of maritime heathland in North Wales, in fact!) and, as I have been finding out, nestling in and around this bushy landscape lies not only some wonderful wildlife, but also some fascinating examples of Anglesey’s ancient heritage, waiting…

  • Wild and windy!


    We have been braving the wet and windy weather this week and I have enjoyed experiencing South Stack at its wildest! Most of the auks have made their way down onto the sea and remarkably that is where they will spend the winter months untill the breeding season next year! We have been very pleased with their breeding numbers this year and look forward to their return. I was especially excited to see a puffin chick…