I would like to take this opportunity on behalf of all the staff at RSPB South Stack to say a special thank you to all the visitors, customers and volunteers that have given their custom, time, support, love and sacrifice for the good of the RSPB South Stack Nature Reserve and all it’s habitats and wildlife in 2010 – and wish each and every one of you the very best of love and wishes for this coming 2011 year.

Thank You

Ps.  Just to let you all know that South Stack Café will be closed from the 5th January 2011 for refurbishment.

We plan to re open the cafe for year round opening on the 4th of April 2011.

The reserve is still open so  if you fancy a walk with a burst of crisp winter sunshine and fresh air what better place to do it than beautiful South Stack Nature Reserve.

 please watch this space for further updates


Thank you for your patience - see you all soon – enjoy yourselves and be careful !

Love – Peace and Respect

Mark – Visitor Information Person

 x xxx