Where do I start ? well the signs of spring are ubiquitous, daffodils bursting with colour, snowdrops piercing through the dark soil in all purity, days are getting longer, birdsong is all around us - what a truly magnificent time of year - the light, colour and life that is spring is once more making a welcome return.

Whilst taking an early walk through South Stack a few days ago I was fortunate enough to spot several common lizards basking in the sun - these guys must have not long surfaced from a long hibernation - what a great sight and

for the first time ever I saw a slow worm at South Stack ! and for those of you who are not aware – a slow worm is a legless lizard  :-)

Work on the new RSPB South Stack Visitor Centre is progressing at a rapid pace, with the 4th of April opening day fast approaching, all is on schedule and looking very impressive indeed.

As I type choughs will be attending nest sites preparing for the approaching breeding season, ravens and peregrines that have been displaying in the sky above South Stack will now be attending nest sites, Auks such as Guillemots, Razorbills and Puffins will soon be prospecting and attending breeding locations. 

It’s only a matter of weeks until smaller passerines such as wheatears, swallows, house martins on migration will soon be making an appearance – most welcome and exciting times – the life in the cycle of life which we all take for granted begins in the spring and is almost upon us and I for one cant wait.

Come see and witness for yourselves the beautiful spectacle that is spring at South Stack –

see you all soon          



Love peace & respect - Mark :-)x(-:                                           


PS-  Hi all - I had half a day holiday today -  :-)  - the sun was shining so I went on a walk to try and spot more reptiles at South Stack - I did!!- I spotted at least a dozen lizards and get this - a female adder just off the path not far from the Ellins Tower - she was a beauty and an unexpected find as only the male adder is usually seen out of hibernation this early in the season!!!!  - I loved it - had a great day - I also saw guillemot, razorbill, shag, kittiwake, fulmar, raven, chough, and I think lots of lesser celandine flowers out all over the place - they looked lovely, bright and yellow petals shinning in the spring sunshine - the spring really makes me feel alive -   wicked!!!!

update - Just to let you all know that the first wheatear of the South Stack season  was spotted by our local 'birder'' -  Ken Croft yesterday 14th March 2011. Spring has sprung !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hope I will see you all  soon
take care - Mark xxxx


  • Hi Steve - good to here from you - hope you and Maureen are ok and well - yes - I was well happy - I saw the slow worm near the public toilets on the road verge - I was looking for adders and lizard at the time - the slow worm was approx 1 foot long - I will have to carry my camera around with me all the times - didn't have my camera on me so didn't get a picture - sorry!! - I had half a day holiday today - the sun was shinning so I went on a walk to try and spot more reptiles - I did!!- I spotted at least a dozen lizards and get this - a female adder just off the path not far from the Tower - she was a beauty - I loved it - had a great day - also saw guillemot, razorbill, shag, kittiwake, fulmar, raven, chough, and I think lots of lesser celandine flowers out all over the place - they looked lovely -  wicked!!!!

    Hope I will see you both in the summer

    take care - Mark

  • Hi Mark and anyone else who loves South Stack.

    Ain't you lucky to see a slow worm, over the years I have had a couple of reports by visitors  of possible sighting, although having kept a watchfull eye out myself over the last 15 years as a volunteer I have never been lucky.

    Regards Mothman24.