Well, its official, spring is definately in full swing here at South Stack!

If you take just a short walk in the heath your soon immersed in the wonderful scenery with Wheatears, Stonechat and Swallows wizzing by, with some lovely butterflies starting to venture out and some great big bumblebees looking very busy indeed! 

One of our dear Chough Pairs, Mr and Mrs Mousetrap, are settling down to breed.  Mrs Mousetrap made herself very comfy in her nest and hasn't moved since!  We should like to think she'll be laying her eggs very soon!  We are hoping to get a live camera streaming this on our website any day now, so you can follow the story of Mr and Mrs Mousetrap at home and watch them raise their adorable chicks.

The Auks have been very busy prospecting thier breeding grounds, with some signs of nest building and a little squabbling between the younger ones as they fight it out for nesting space - really there is so much cliff space here you would have thought there would be enough for everyone!

I just love the feeling you get here on a beautiful sunny day like today, the auks nice and noisy, the lovely buzzing of the bumblebees and the beautiful calm of the sea - perfect for spotting Dolphins and Porpoise!  I really couldn't wish to be anywhere else right now!

Hope you can all come and see us in our new visitor centre soon!

Hayley :D