
We have been braving the wet and windy weather this week and I have enjoyed experiencing South Stack at its wildest! Most of the auks have made their way down onto the sea and remarkably that is where they will spend the winter months untill the breeding season next year! We have been very pleased with their breeding numbers this year and look forward to their return. I was especially excited to see a puffin chick last week as it emerged from under a boulder where it had been hidden from view for the last month. Strangely the puffin chick is quite unlike the parent with dark cheek patches and a bill that is small and dark. It only reaches breeding age at around five years of age so it has a lot of growing to do! 

Due to the rough sea and high winds we have also been excited to spot manx shearwaters from a close distance as they skim close to the water surface. We have also been delighted to watch as choughs and ravens use the strong winds to peform acrobats mid flight!

For those with an interest in the smaller creatures we have a Miraculous Moths event coming up! This will be held at the lower car park at South Stack on Friday the 13th of August at 9pm. This will be a great opportuntiy to discover and learn more about these wonderful night time creatures!

Good bye for now!


  • I would like to say that I am very lucky to have booked some time off in August for a holiday - I love small creatures and have a great passion for moths - I think your moths event sounds fantastic - I cant wait to get back to beautiful South Stack for your night time adventure - sounds like it could be very exciting!

    see you soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx