Hello friends of South Stack! My name is Kathy and I'm a new People Engagement Assistant on the reserve. Thought I'd better introduce myself before letting you know a little of what's been going on this month so far...

We have three residential volunteers working with us at the moment, Katherine, Graham and Jim. Katherine and Graham have previously helped out at Lake Vyrnwy and Jim is in his twentieth year as a residential volunter which the RSPB have recognised by awarding him a silver Osprey pin badge - Congratulations Jim!

For those of you that haven't heard, our Chough nest-cam has been very busy this week as the first chick hatched on Tuesday. We're not sure how many chicks are in there, but we can definitely see three and there may be more! Mr and Mrs Mousetrap (so named after the mousetrap buttress in which they live) have so far been very diligent parents, with both parents feeding the chicks and Mrs Mousetrap carefully settling down on top of them to keep them warm. If you haven't yet had chance to pop down and see us then you can watch the story unfold live online (search Chough webcam on the RSPB website).

The sunshine has brought a variety of butterflies to the reserve, such as, green-veined white and pearl borded fritillary. There have been some awesome caterpillars too. Today Katherine spotted a giant just outside Ellin's Tower which we believe to be an Oak Eggar caterpillar.

The southern part of the reserve 'The Range' is currently host to a spectacular display of Spathulate Fleawort, a plant found nowhere else in the world! For seem reason it seems to have flowered earlier there and is now coming into bloom around the clifftops of the northern part of the reserve near to Ellin's Tower.

Next Sunday (15th)  we are having a birthday party! This is year is the 100th year of the RSPB operating in Wales and to celebrate we are asking you to come and join us with a fun-filled family event to mark the occasion. There will be games, facepainting, cake and lots of staff and volunteers on hand to tell you about the reserve and perhaps take you around for a guided walk (dependent on weather and wildlife!).

Let us know if you have any questions... See you soon,

Kathy x