Hello all,

As some of you may be aware, Ellin's Tower is now closed for the season.  However, why not wrap up and head over for a visit, as we have had some fabulous sightings of dolphins, porpoise and seals over the last few weeks.  Keep your eyes peeled to spot the energetic dolphins jumping out of the water, or see the porpoise racing in the tidal currents; we have even had a few mother and calf sightings close up!  We seem to have had more seal sightings recently too, with up to 13 sightings in one day!

In addition to all the wonderful marine mammals, we have plenty of sightings of our resident Chough starting to flock together, as well as the Ravens putting on a fantastic aerobatic display for us.  We even spotted a Great Crested Grebe down on the water this week so it seems a whole variety of birds are enjoying South Stack at the moment.  After all the excitement, why not pop to the Cafe for a heartwarming cuppa, we are open everyday until 4th January! 

That’s all for now folks,
