Mike, here is the intro.  Thanks. Karen

Last season Maya, the resident Manton Bay female, surprised us arriving back 12 March the earliest date ever recorded at a UK public nest.  The resident male, Blue 33(11),  her mate since 2015, arrived two days later on 14 March and the pair successfully raised two healthy chicks.  More details about the Manton Bay nest, including a table of the breeding data, can be found here.

Here’s wishing Maya and Blue 33 a safe journey home and for another successful season.

Some Useful Links:

Manton Bay Webcam

Rutland Ospreys Website

Rutland Ospreys Facebook

Rutland Ospreys Twitter

Map of Rutland Water Nature Reserve

The Lyndon Centre and Reserve Information

Chloe & Tigers Manton Bay Stats

Birdie Num Num’s  Copyright Notices & Webcams List

© Leicestershire & Rutland Wildlife Trust

Previous Threads:

Manton Bay 2016 - March,  April,  May,  June,  July,   August,

Manton Bay 2017 - March,  April, JuneJuly & AugustSept-End Feb18

Manton Bay 2018 - March, April, May,   JuneJuly, August,  Sept-End Feb 19  

  • SheilaFE said:
    I'm still on my tablet and see no dots. I don't use the list under 'Latest Posts' because as you say it takes you to the beginning of the thread individual thread, not the latest post. However I click on the second (right hand) of the two 'Loch Garten Ospreys' in the main blue header. This give you all the latest responses on each individual thread.

    Sheila, me too, I use my ipad all the time and I still can't see 3 dots!

    Thanks for the reply Karen but the insert is a bit faint to make out, even if there are 3 dots there!

    EDIT: Okay, now I see them. Sheila if you look over to the right hand side of the page, down the end column, you will see the latest posts, at the end of the name is the three little blue dots! BUT when you hit them it highlights all of the link and takes you to the start of the post.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • I am on my laptop using Chrome not that I think that would make any difference.   I have enlarged my screen to hopefully show the three dots.  

    I now believe this just to be truncation and not what Mike could be referring to because it does not work but one can never be sure because of the numerous systems/devices in use hence my questioning.  But I still believe it is fault and should display the last post as per header.  

    To end, as posted earlier, I do hope Mike can tell us more about the three dots he is referring to.

    I must go and make dinner - catch up later.

  • Thanks Karen, we replied almost together, I see now and agree, he must be referring to dots somewhere else!

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Yes I was!

    The three dots I was referring to are shown,  well nearly!, here in this capture.

    If you use 'Latest' it will take you to the start of the thread. Click on the dots and it will take you to the last post in that thread.

  • Just chipping in...(testing)am going to post this to show on main page as Latest

    Does he mean , when he sees someone posting...

    EDIT....this now says latest a few seconds ...with 3 dots.


  • Okay this is why I was confused by the dots! This is what I see on iPad, Latest, the time, who posted but NO dots.

    Grrrr, my last post so can't add my snapshot, hang on a minute! Will add to Sheila's post, below her snapshot.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • SunnyKate2 said:

    Just chipping in...(testing)am going to post this to show on main page as Latest

    Does he mean , when he sees someone posting...

    EDIT....this now says latest a few seconds ...with 3 dots.

    Little wonder ipad users and maybe others, are getting confused by what WE are actually seeing, as well as getting to grips with the updates!

    Different things are shown,  we do not have these dots to take us to the last post on a thread, neither do we have the decending/acending or date option above latest posts. on the other side above the post name we have latest forum posts not, all recent discussions! Mmm. I supose some of the wording may differ but takes you to the same place but others things that may me shortcuts or have something shown that is not on the ipad, will not help us. Oh I dunno!!! "Keep sane and carry on"!!!!

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Interesting mine and catladys List says "Latest forum posts" and
    Mikes list says " Latest discussions"

    So list heading appears to change where you are accessing from.
    and I cant see " latest discussions "any where Doh!!!


  • Well I think I'll just ignore all these posts, you've all lost me LOL
  • After reading through again it would appear

    Mike's capture is from the Loch Garten Ospreys page and it has All recent discussions as the heading
    Catlady capture is from the Community Page and it has Latest forum posts as the heading.

    Now feel free to ignore me if I've picked this up wrong.

    Oh and most of us don't have the 3 dots Mike is referring to as we see the time.