Sunday 24 August 1000-1300
The rain never let up and today there is no sign of any eagle at Loch Frisa…
Saturday 23 August 1000-1300
Chris & Ross were on duty at the hide today. They report the whole eagle…
Friday 22 August 1200 Noon
(Wasn't that an old ELO line?)
On arrival at the hide today, the assembled…
Thursday 21 August 12 Noon
Finally, the sighting which has eluded me for far too long. Mara and Brèagha…
Wednesday 20 August 1000
Today, I found one of the chicks back at the edge of the loch, still waddling…
Tuesday 19 August 3pm
The family seem to have settled into a bit of a routine. Heading over towards Glen…
Monday 18 August Loch Frisa 1000-1600
An astonishing 84 people attended the hide today during the 'drop…
A quick stop at the hide, a scan and a listen... I could immediately hear a chick not too far away. There…
As we enjoy our summer holidays, spare a thought for those birds that are setting off on their travels…