Testing out a new camera

I got a new camera recently (Canon EOS 7D for anyone who wants to know) so on Friday I decided to go for a quick walk to test it out

So at about 1:30 I left the house and started walking up towards ashridge where you can often see deer, hoping to get a picture of one of them

A carrion crow seemed a nice easy target to start of with

'Go away!'

Almost got the flight shot

Next a nice magpie

Showing off his/her tail feathers

Again just missing the flight shot

Another magpie, on the ground this time

Red kite turned up next, and I finally got a decent picture!

A cropped photo

And an uncropped photo

I heard a rustling sound next to me and looked into some bushes noticing a deer but after following it and losing it just kept walking and seeing what else I could see

A grey wagtail on the opposite side of a pond

And a bit closer

A robin scuffling around in the ground around a golf course

Another crow with a golf ball in the background

A distant jay, which I chased around for about 20 minutes trying to get a closer picture (I didn't!)

Squirrel trying to pretend he/she was part of the tree

Finally caught up with some deer, but it was quite dark under all the trees, so unfortunately all of the pictures ended up like this

or a couple turned out like this

I had a weird feeling that they might have seen me but I'm not sure

It was at that point that I noticed that it was almost 5:00, I also realized that I had got myself completely lost!

So out came the phone and I found out the best way home, but first I saw some more deer and had to try to get some pictures

One deer was in a field in the open and that meant I could at least get one picture

Then (as you can probably see) the saw me and all ran off into the woods again, meaning some silhouette shots!

On the run!

I had to walk along the canal to get home, so hoped I would be able to maybe see some ducks or even a heron

But first there was a black headed gull

Some moorhen

Coming quite close

Some collared doves and wood pigeons, high up in a tree on the opposite bank

And then I saw a commotion. People standing with there phones out, clearly taking photos or videos. I walked up feeling a bit odd with my big camera

And there on the opposite side of the canal was a grey heron!

If that wasn't enough, it then flew to my side of the canal! And landed within about 2 meters from me!

And then proceeded to walk a bit closer before catching a fish!

I decided then to walk a bit further on as I thought a couple of people were a bit scared of annoying 'that man with a camera'

I suddenly saw something flittering about above me, and looking up noticed a it wasn't a bird but a bat!

And so ended my 'quick' 4 and a half hour walk, at about 6:00

Thanks for looking!



  • Well done Benji S happy new camera a good
    start, you got your best photo of a Red Kite.
    My camera came out in 2006 and has no video
    But I love it, now 16 years old. I bought two of them secondhand I don’t miss the video what you haven’t had you don’t miss. I wish you a great time using your new camera and look forward to seeing your photos.