Just got back from sunny South Africa for family New Year with friends. In between being sociable and entertaining children managed to get my binoculars out. What a birding paradise this country is!
I'm going to have to go back for longer, preferably after saving up enough money for a longer lens than I presently possess (and gaining more biridng/photography experience). In the meantime the following birds were good enough to stay still for long enough for me to have a stab at photographing them. (Saw other breeds too but failed to get shots). They're all fairly common out there but they looked pretty exotic to a London based beginner birder. (Incidentally these are my amateur identifications -if anyone knows better fell free to correct me):
From Kruger area:
Gray go-away bird
Laughing dove
Blackeyed bulbul?
Blacksmith lapwing
Lesser striped swallow
Red-billed hornbill
I'm open to suggestions - Thickknee?
Lesser masked weaver bird
From Cape Town area:
Even I can confidently identify African (Jackass) penguins on Boulders Beach!
Cape Cormorant
Cape sugarbird
Rock kestrel
Bully canary
Glossy ibis
Sacred ibis
Cape Rock thrush - female
Cape rock thrush -male
Orange breasted sunbird - male
orange breasted sunbird? -female
Lesser double-collared sunbird?
And of course it's not just birds. ..
And my children thought the rock dassies were sweet...
So if an amateur like me can spot all that in just a short time what bounties await those of you who know what they're doing. If you haven't been already get out there and happy birdng.
Wow, that elephant's got a lot of legs LOL !!
Sounds like a great trip. Really good photos - I think the 5th one, Ibis, might be a Hamerkop.....
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Great shots, sounds like a great trip, quite jealous about the leopard!!! Where did you safari? Graham is right about the Hamerkop and the thicknee is a water thicknee or water dikkop as you may have heard it called!
Warden Intern at Otmoor.
Wow, what great pictures! I love them all but my favourite has to be the very last one - the expression on its face is priceless!
Our herring gulls are red listed birds. Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.
Wow what amazing photos, I love them all, what an experience, wonderful !!!!
AbFab JK - thank you for brightening my day!!
2013 photos & vids here
eff37 on Flickr
Lovely selection of photos and glad I didn't have to name them all LOL
Regards, Hazel
Fantastic pics from a place most of us can only dream about visiting.
My gallery here
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Thanks folks - just was so excited that I had to shareon the foum. (13 year old daughter's reaction: "why do you have to take so many photos of wildlife Mum?") Thanks for id of hamerkop.
Saw the leopard in the Kruger National Park - went in at Hazyview - saw queue of cars who'sd spotted the leopard and went to see what all the excitment was about. Tried to explain to the children how lucky they were to see a leopard - especially as we won't be doing anything this exotic on a regular basis!
Unknown said:Saw the leopard in the Kruger National Park - went in at Hazyview
Didn't know that they'd named a 'view' after you H!!! Somewhere else you have visited??? rofl