Temminck's Stint in Jersey

Monday 10th september, siting in a hide at St Ouen's Pond, casually gazing around and chatting to a guy next to us, I spotted a tiny bird land in the mud of the reeds, not very visible due to the height of the front reeds, but I knew I had never seen one before, the guy sitting with us, was an experienced birder and said OMG I'm off to the car for my scope. Back he comes and confirms it was a Temminck's Stint. It was a long way off and the reeds kept blowing in the wind. However I did manage to get at least an id shot. I have posted the original full frame shot so you can see just how disgiused he was. Not the best photos in the world LOL but a thrilling experience.

We went back the next day to see if I could get a better picture, and there was no room at the inn LOL But he was hiding in front reeds anyway

Of all creatures, man is the most detestable, he is the only creature that inflicts pain for sport, knowing it to be pain.
~ Mark Twain