Monday 10th september, siting in a hide at St Ouen's Pond, casually gazing around and chatting to a guy next to us, I spotted a tiny bird land in the mud of the reeds, not very visible due to the height of the front reeds, but I knew I had never seen one before, the guy sitting with us, was an experienced birder and said OMG I'm off to the car for my scope. Back he comes and confirms it was a Temminck's Stint. It was a long way off and the reeds kept blowing in the wind. However I did manage to get at least an id shot. I have posted the original full frame shot so you can see just how disgiused he was. Not the best photos in the world LOL but a thrilling experience.
We went back the next day to see if I could get a better picture, and there was no room at the inn LOL But he was hiding in front reeds anyway
Of all creatures, man is the most detestable, he is the only creature that inflicts pain for sport, knowing it to be pain. ~ Mark Twain
I can vouch for the fact that it is tiny and fast. I was acting as spotter on the second day and I saw it come in but could I direct Judi to the right area ... I was utterly useless.
Caroline in Jersey
Cin J
well spotted, Never seen one.
Sounds like your having a good time
a good laugh is better than a tonic
The first time I saw one up on Teeside it was with a couple of Pied Wagtails this showed their small size very well,nice little bird to see and manage to photo.
Birding is for everyone no matter how good or bad we are at it,enjoy it while you can
And a good spotter you were Caroline, I'm saving our fun and games and acrobatics for when I eventually sort through the photos LOL
Thanks Barnsley lad Seaman bobs retired now and Doggie. It really was amazing to see, just too far away for the camera for a good shot
Brilliant! Good for you Judi!
"All weeds are flowers, once you get to know them" (Eeyore)
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Wow Judy, you must be absolutely thrilled. I know that I would be. I've never heard of this bird but could tell it was a sandpiper (so quite pleased with myself too lol). It's hard to imagine a sandpiper the size of a great tit. Really well done!
Cheers Deb
Thanks Marjus
Thanks debz it was amazing to watch
Well done Judi, a brilliant spot, and fame at last!
Cheers, Linda.
See my photos on Flickr
What a great bird to see, Judi, and you were the one to see it first - well done. I heard you'd seen something special before I went away but couldn't guess what it was going to be.
I've only seen one once and that was in Lesvos.
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