Minke whale with Grey seal.Humpback whale.Blue whale.
Wow, those are awesome shots, MrsT. What an experience to be so close to these fabulous creatures.
My Flickr Photostream
THanks folks.
Did you ask MrT nicely? ;-)
"All weeds are flowers, once you get to know them" (Eeyore)
My photos on Flickr
Fab MrsT
Amazing to see and photogragh a Blue whale. something you will never forget.
Saw killer and humpbacked in Alaska.
a good laugh is better than a tonic
Wow, what a brilliant once in a life time experience!! They are brilliant photos of awesome creatures!!
'In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks' John Muir.
Excuse wobbily dyslexic spelling!
Oh boy, how lucky are you. Thrilled to the core! :) not at all surprised you were shaking.
Caroline in Jersey
Cin J
Rockwolf said: Did you ask MrT nicely? ;-)
Thanks MrsT! Look forward to seeing it when you can! :-)