Bird watching in Florida

Hi all

I have finally managed to get around to sorting out my photos from Naples, Florida.

These are the ones that I have managed to identify so far:



Great Blue Heron

Little Blue Heron

Little Blue Heron

Snowy Egret (edited thanks to aiki)

Snowy Egret (edited thanks to aiki)

White Ibis

Northern Cardinal Finch

Eastern Lubber

Viceroy Butterfly

Banana Spider


Best wishes Chris

Click Here to see my photos

  • Hi Chris

    What a stunning set of photos, the grasshopper, spider and butterfly were all so colourful as was the cardinal finch, it looks a fantastic place to go. I got to the Kites and then realised these were not from the holiday (I have my slow head on today).


    Regards Shane


    My Photos in Flickr.

  • Thank you Shane :-))

    Sorry I'm trying to edit because I assumed they would show up as individual photos, not as a photostream.

    I took them as RAW images and haven't converted them all to Jpegs on my PC.

    I'm not sure what I'm doing yet, but will try to fix it.


    It took some fixing because I had upgraded to Firefox 7 and couldn't work out why my photos showed undefined until I read Andy's great thread about the problem.

    I had to downgrade to Firefox 6 to upload the photos.

    Best wishes Chris

    Click Here to see my photos

  • Hi Chris

    Your welcome, and good luck with what your doing it all sounds a bit too confusing for me.


    Regards Shane


    My Photos in Flickr.

  • I have a couple more of huge Alligators. These were taken in the Corkscrew Swamp reserve. I was looking out for alligators and didn't see any, then a lady came past me on the walkway and asked if I had seen the alligator. I said no I hadn't so she took me back and pointed to it. I still couldn't see it, then she pointed again, and I saw it. This first alligator must have been 10 feet long and as wide as a tree trunk. I had been looking for smaller ones as the swamp wasn't very deep.

    Warning the second one of these is eating a turtle, although it was so close it isn't very clear. Just as we got to this point on the walkway we heard a huge splash and loud crack, and this alligator had caught this hapless turtle. It must have been 12 feet long and it was very close to the walkway. A bit too close for comfort really!!!



    Best wishes Chris

    Click Here to see my photos

  • Hi Chris

    What a sstunning set of pictures and it looks as if you had a great time. You can see from your pictures just how wonderful the light is there.

    If I was you I would have these all around my walls to give you that feel good feeling everyday you wake up.


  • Thank you Robert :-))

    The light was a little bit dark when we first walked on the beach at approximately 7am, so some of them have had to be brightened up a bit in Lightroom.

    I'm pleased with some of them, but took loads that weren't sharp enough as they were too dark. C'est la vie

    Best wishes Chris

    Click Here to see my photos

  • Hey Chris,

    Stunning pics of some super wildlife.

    Florida is one of my places to go before I die, they've got some amazing specialties that I would just love to see for myself.

    The alligator sure does look like a close call!



    "dawn is mine, but I will share it, with whatever bird will wear it"

  • Wow Chris!!!!!

    what amazing photo's,

    looks like you had a wonderful holiday,

    I love the Egret with its wings out & fluffed up head feathers,

    looks like it's strutting about & being a right poser,

    love the ibis, the finch,the butterfly, "OOH, love um all "


  • Chris, wonderful photos even if I did scroll past the *pider a bit quickly.  The butterfly is beautiful and I never realized that Little Egret had yellow feet.  Looks like you had an excellent holiday.

    Caroline in Jersey

    Cin J

  • Thanks for sharing some excellent photos. When I went to Florida many years ago, I didn't have a decent camera and so took very few bird and wildlife photos but I did nearly tread on a snake which I was told afterwards by a Ranger was a deadly something or other....can only remember it being orange and black bands.