Jersey - at the moment

The weather is phenomenal, there are migrants galore and some very kind and knowledgeable visiting birders and local experts to help id the very interesting stuff that is popping up all over the Island. I have never seen so many people down at the hides and I was able to even point some in the right direction.

A first for me - Yellow wagtail - there was a flock of about 15 around the hooves of the cows

A Marsh Harrier trying to hide in the reeds

Peek-a-boo - one of the 3 american visitors hiding behind the snipe - sadly I only got the one head shot before the cattle wandered down for a drink and flushed them.  Pectoral sandpiper 

and the second american visitor who is causing huge excitement  Solitary Sandpiper

If I am lucky I might get to see the Buff -breasted sandpiper over the next few days - funny what you see when dragonfly hunting.  Oh and I heard a Cettis warbler - one of the visiting birders told me what it was - could not see it in the reeds.

Caroline in Jersey




Cin J

  • How lucky you are Caroline. Hope you get the sandpiper and many more



             a good laugh is better than a tonic

  • Ray, if it had not been for the kind birders I would have thought I was just watching the green sandpiper having a lovely time again and if I am being honest the birds I really want to see are the Hobbies and given there are lots of dragons about I might get lucky

    Cin J

  • Sounds great Germain,I really like watching stuff moving through on migration get the right place and weather and the scene changes hour by hour.


    Birding is for everyone no matter how good or bad we are at it,enjoy it while you can

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 30/09/2011 18:49 in reply to Seaman

    Lovely pictures C and what super weather you're having there. Good job I wasnt with you as the special Sandpiper would have been nothing more than a Common Sandpiper. I saw my first Yellow wagtails this summer, lovely birds.


  • No you wouldn't - it does look a bit different to a Common one.  The other people were very suprised I had not seen a Yellow wag before - I really like wagtails - they make me think of wind up toys the way they move.  I get a grey in the garden every winter  - when it turns up I know winter is on the way.  The weather is superb.  

    C in J

    Cin J

  • Go on rub it in why don't you Caroline, you kept the best including the weather until we left LOL
    Great sightings and photos no wonder you are excited

    Of all creatures, man is the most detestable, he is the only creature that inflicts pain for sport, knowing it to be pain.
    ~ Mark Twain

  • Some nice sighting there Caroline!  The yellow wagtails look stunning!

  • Great photos, Caroline - you lucky thing!

    Just booking my flight to Jersey now.... :)

  • What time does you plane arrive in the morning Graham? get yourself straight down to the bay it is getting too exciting for words - the surf is good, the tides are huge and I am going raptor watching tomorrow afternoon.

    Cin J

  • Hi Caroline.  It was nice to meet you last week in beautiful Jersey and what a fantastic time for birding and the weather - unbelievable.  St.Ouen's pond  hide was lovely and cool too, spent ages there, even on Sunday when we came home still went there in the morning.Would never have known a Solitary Sandpiper in a million years and was exciting to be part of it all and to see it so clearly thanks to Ian who I gather since is quite famous! We also saw the yellow wagtails and the barnacle goose and bar-headed geese also 'firsts' for us and got so used to seeing the marsh harriers so clear, near and guaranteed whenever we were around St Ouen am missing them already!  Am missing lots actually but can't wait to get back to Arne and so much to catch up on.  Been putting it off until the mountains of washing done after a fantastic fortnight. I know once I start to catch up I will be on the computer for hours.  Do hope to meet you again some time and maybe your daughter too at Arne one day?  Have now taken to checking up on Jersey birds more regularly.