Whilst browsing a contact's stream on Flickr, I came across this shot which he took in May. I personally think that it really is a shot in a million and thought you'd appreciate seeing it too! http://www.flickr.com/photos/keithmwilliams/5727282051/
Please take time to read his comment too!
"All weeds are flowers, once you get to know them" (Eeyore)
My photos on Flickr
Wow MarJus def appreciated by tiny + me. That is a great find in the millions on flickr. What he said was v poinent as well, so lovely that he went back to check on them!! Just glad I wasn't the one on the end of the row!!
'In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks' John Muir.
Excuse wobbily dyslexic spelling!
Wow - top photo!
I suppose Swallows being migrants can cope with a little bad weather
It's both what you do and the way that you do it!
You cannot fly like an eagle with the wings of a wren. William Henry Hudson (1841 - 1922)
He is not just an excellent photographer but is also a very caring person.Those poor birds deserve so much to have survived. Thanks Marjus.
Hi Marjus
One of those shots you wish was yours....