Hello - this is my first post. We are cruising the Amazon from Caribbean area to Manaus in November. Could anyone recommend best birding books (English translated) to purchase.Thanks in advance.
Ooooooooooooooooo how wonderful!!!!
I can't help you I'm afraid, but welcome to the forum and have a great trip.
Cheers, Linda.
See my photos on Flickr
Wow kipling that's a rather specialised request, wish a I could help. Look forward to your report and pictures when you return.
It's both what you do and the way that you do it!
You cannot fly like an eagle with the wings of a wren. William Henry Hudson (1841 - 1922)
Wow, i'm currently turning a shade of green! The amazon is amazing and you will have a great time. Look out at dusk for the bats and nighthawks sharing the airspace over the waterways searching for moths and other flying insects, which are equally impressive in their own right! I could go on at length to mention the monkeys, river dolphins and crocodilians but I won't!
I took the following book, Traveller's wildlife guides, Brazil, Amazon and Pantanal by Pearson and Beletsky, Chasleton Travel/Arris Publishing Ltd, ISBN 1905214049
It proved handy with some interesting background on the groups of animals we were likely to encounter and some well illustrated colour plates although if you are looking for a guide that focusses on birds this may not be the most suited. There are loads more guides out there though so maybe call into your closest RSPB shop or drop them a line and see if they can help.
Warden Intern at Otmoor.
many thanks for the suggestions all the best kipling
I used the Beletsky eco travel guide and the Birds of Northern South America ( pub A&C Black)
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