Waders Oman


I set myself a target in September last year to try and photograph as many of the migratory waders that visit the north of Oman (Muscat to Seeb Coastline) as I could. Here's a selection of some of those I got. Most will be very familiar to those in the UK.

Red Wattled Plover - quite possibly the noisiest bird in the world!

Pacific Golden Plover






Black Winged Stilt


Common Sandpiper

Grey Plover

Redshanks doing a Road Runner impression

Curlew, who buries his entire beak in the sand looking for food.





    nice pics- all but one on my Norfolk list :)))



    For advice about Birding, Identification,field guides,  binoculars, scopes, tripods,  etc - put 'Birding Tips'   into the search box

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 19/03/2011 08:23 in reply to Anonymous

    Hi Kathy and Dave

    Thanks for the nice comments on my pictures. We only get the waders for such a short time here and by now most have already left. The Oystercatchers only seem to stay for a couple of weeks. I guess they use Northern Oman as a quick stop off on thier journey North.

    For every good picture I seem to take I can tell you I have a whole card full of rubbish most of the time :-)

    The Oystercatchers were really ahrd to photograph as you simply cant get close to them. I waded out in the sea almost up to my waist with camera and trippod to get them before the sun had come up. Luckilly the waters warm here!!


    Thanks again
