Hi All,
That would be the Country and not the lady!
I was just looking through my Jordan photos recently - I visited that lovely country a few years ago.And I have found a few bird photos that remain unidentified and I just wondered if anyone could help with the IDs?
The ones in hand and in nets were when we visited a bird-ringing station.....
Thanks for any help!
Best wishes, Graham
My Blog!
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I've visited Israel a coupla times- I'll have a close look in a day or so:)
For advice about Birding, Identification,field guides, binoculars, scopes, tripods, etc - put 'Birding Tips' into the search box
gut reaction - last three are
5- Ruppell's warbler
6- house sparrow
7- Griffon vulture
what time of year did you visit? Spring or autumn?
Hi S,
Visited end of March, 2008......very hot, sand everywhere but bought myself a headdress which kept me cool! A cold beer helped as well 8-)
hi Graham
Seymour, i agree with your ID's
Picture 1 - Reed Warbler/Marsh Warbler (same bird)
Picture 2 - Lesser Whitethroat (due to the grey colouration on the head)
Picture 3 - Garden Warbler (not much colouration at all)
Picture 4 - Chiffchaff (the light green supercillion above the eye)
Picture 5 - Redstart (due to the black.white marking on the head)
Wow ID-ing the Warbler species are hard to get with grips with at the best of times.
Kathy and Dave
1- we are in Nightingale type territory here- no decision yet
2- an acrocephalus type warbler, the grey hood is odd- no decision yet.
3- it's a sylvia warbler, we are in common whitethroat/ orphean warbler zone - that bill looks huge BUT as it's a spring photo - no decision yet
4- it's a phylloscopus warbler- we are in chiffchaff territory but we have several possibilities- no decision yet.
Excellent guys! I await further decisions 8-)
Thanks for the help!
I have discussed No 2 with a well known tall Irish birder and we can get no further than odd Reed warbler- so far :(
Thanks for your persistance!
I'll try and email the guy that organised the trip. He might know......