Sparrows nesting in Menorca


Hi there

I thought I would start this thread especially for 'Sparrow' so she can see how Sparrows live on the other side of the world in Menorca

I have posted three pictures of nest sites that are quite different from the ones we see that are used to in the UK

Picture 1: This nest site is on our vernada.  The nest is situated in the hollow hole in the middle of the pillar.  The same pillar is the chimney for the barbecue for the people in the chalets underneath us.  The birds have so much faith that the barbecue is not going to be used at all LOL - eek....

I watched lots of nest building, and mating going on it would make you blush!

This is part of picture 1 .... with the nesting material arriving at the Pillar.  love the way the Sparrow sits on a favourite cone, and the Sparrows did a lot of that and it was so endearing to watch.

Picture 2:  Yet another nest site in the hollow part of the post of the outdoor street lamp.  At least it is a way of keeping warm on those cold nights by the bay.  Lots of nest material and other activity.  This particular Lamp Post was close to our veranda once more.  So lots of viewing going on without disturbing the birds.

Mr Sparrow looks so approving with the chosen site looking at his posture.

Picture 3:  Another favourite nest site for Sparrows was in the guttering that you can see on the bottom part of the picture.  Just Sparrow sized and very comfortable.  I could see the way Sparrows have exploited the buildings for their own needs and there are plenty of robust crevices to try out everywhere

Just a few nesting hotspots for Sparrows in Menorca


Kathy and Dave