Hello everyone!
Do you remember last year's thread "White Storks in Germany (Main-Kinzig Area) 2014 (Update October 5th 2014)"? I had promised to keep you informed about the doings of "my" Storks. I'll do so now. About 8 Storks spent the entire winter around here. It was not very cold here, and we had snow for only 8 days in a row, so they did very well. Now many other Storks have returned, all the nests from last year are occupied by now, and most of the couples seem to have eggs already. And we have a new nest! A couple built it on top of a food-container for cows on a farm. The farmer seems to like it, because he had built some kind of nesting-aid with wooden boards. I have taken some pictures today , and I hope you like them.
I promise to keep you informed about the doings of the youngsters after they've hatched.
I hope you are all well. Take care!
Yours, Bente
EDIT: I completely forgot: What I absolutely wanted to tell you is that some of the Storks who stayed here were not youngsters who didn't know better.
One of them was a 14-years-old male, who comes here every year and who is known to migrate to Africa. This is the first time ever that he didn't leave. Isn't that interesting?
So pleased you are able to see this great nest view B ... with this together with your wonderful views we have a good all round aspect & understanding of events!!
2013 photos & vids here
eff37 on Flickr