Looking for somewhere a bit different, full of birds and possibly the next up and coming European destination?
Consider Estonia, it's not far and has great birds especially in late winter and spring including Steller's Eider, 8 spp of Woodpecker, Pygmy Owl, Hazel Hen etc.
I haven't been (yet) but Ryanair can probably get you there cheaply.
For advice about Birding, Identification,field guides, binoculars, scopes, tripods, etc - put 'Birding Tips' into the search box
I haven't been yet either but it is filed away for future reference. It does seem to have most things that birders (and even non birding partners) would want.
It even still has Wolves, bear, wild boar, lynx etc
The Cotswold Water park sightings website
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I'm considering a long weekend there next March
I did an Autumn trip there a couple of years ago. This was to see, principally, the migration. Masses of geese, cranes and passerines flooding south.
I found it to be a very civilised country with quiet roads, a decent standard of hotels and food. We didn't visit Tallinn (apart from the airport) but I believe the centre is very attractive.
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