Kestrels in the Quarry 2013...

The pair showed up on 13th March & were checking out the nest - here's hoping..............

Have posted all I've taken today, unedited, as I'm so excited!!!  They both flew off & now Mr Kestrel has returned to nest & sitting, waiting like a spider in the middle of a web!  Just going to video him













 2013 photos & vids here

eff37 on Flickr

  • wonderful wendy thank you so much :-)

  • Looking so good Wendy, well fed and happy it seems.   Thanks for posting.

    Lot to learn

  • I post this with heavy heart as today I found a dead chick in the garden of the house under the Kestrels' nest.

    I had witnessed Mrs K at the front of the nest hole several times earlier this morning & then saw her on top of telegraph pole with Mr K sitting on a lower rung.  I then was out for several hours & when I returned again witnessed the same behaviour.  Mr K was intently watching something on the ground & then flew to the roof of the shed in the garden which is directly below the nest hole.  I watched his behaviour & as I was taking shots he flew down into the garden & I saw him beside a white fluffy bundle.  At first I though it might be dropped prey but he did not pick it up, instead he raked it gently with one claw several times & then bent right down to peck at it. Then he flew off & I was over there like a mad thing but the chick was already dead - obviously fell out & probably died instantly.  I picked it up & put it in a box (took a couple of pics) & then buried it so cats couldn't get to it.  That was about three hours ago & I have been watching & listening for any activity.  Just heard them & saw the pair of them out of nest & flying around.  I just hope that this wasn't the only chick!!  Will keep you posted, although this looks to be the end of pics in this thread due to the current difficulties!  You will find all recent pics on my Flickr & the link is in the box.


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Wendy, I am so sorry. It does sound as if they only had one chick. I must thank you so much for your diary, pics and vids. of this pair. It has been a joy to follow, even though it seems to be a sad ending. Another reminder of how hard life is for birds.

  • Thanks Brenda & EB - obviously I hope that they will have hatched their usual clutch of four & the remainder are thriving!  The nest was established a bit later this year & this was likely due to the adverse weather .  Am no expert but I thought this chick could have been at least a week old & looked quite strong.  The current restrictions on this forum are causing difficulties with posting pics which is why I am directing people to my Flickr.  I will try for more vids tomorrow as they are OK to post!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • What a shame about the chick. I hope that there are others and they're doing well.

  • Wendy I'm just catching up with the community, saw your thread but couldn't reply til tonight.   So sorry to hear the bad news, that would have been difficult for you after all this time, but there's still hope that there will be other chicks in the nest, looking forward to more news from you.   I have good memories of all the photos and videos you have posted.

    Lot to learn

  • Scoop of the year - or what??!!

    I'm jumping up & down with excitement!!!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • IS THAT WHAT I THINK IT IS---  WHOOPEE.      Fantastic, well done, now we're in business.

    Lot to learn