In my garden.....

So instead of starting a new discussion everytime I get new visitors or decent shots of wildlife in the garden I shall just keep adding to this one.

So today it was the Great Spotted Woodpecker, 2 of them chasing each other around the trees

Just managed to catch the 2 of them together

Then it was Woodpecker v Starlings....yes I see yous up there

Move out of my way as am coming up...

I said moooooove...

you were warned...

ah...peace to eat at last..

I Dont mind sharing with the dunnock though, just those pesky starlings I dont like lol

Dunnock, robin and thrush happily hopping about together

Gorgeousredwing still around

Flying without wings.....

I just like the different colours of the trees and sky not all grey for a change!

Mr & Mrs RRB (bad pic but it difficult to get them together)

and up last its a wee lollipop

Think that will do for today as I have probably bored you all long enough lol

(Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • You do get a great variety of birds in your garden, Linda. Since my new neighbour cut down an established hornbeam hedge and other shrubs the number of birds I get in my garden has reduced considerably.
    Love the light on your Goldfinches and the Red Fox is gorgeous.



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • Lovely to see all your garden birds Linda. Being that cold they will be so glad to fill up during the day. Just an idea, they say to put a table tennis ball in the pond to keep it from freezing, haven't tried it but worth a try maybe. Gorgeous pic of the fox, what a beauty.

    Lot to learn

  • Thanks Nige..oh dont you worry about foxy as it's been well fed got some left over stew from the steak pie and chicken most other nights!

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Thanks Tony. I think with planting up some of the garden this year has helped as it gives the birds plenty of areas to explore and hide rather than boring carpet of grass outlined with conifers although conifers do often get a bad rep but they work well for me...blocks out the elements and protects the cabin and the birds use them constantly . That a shame about your reduced number of garden visitors..neighbours eh lol
    I hope to continue to improve and add to the garden in the coming months and see what else one can entice in lol

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Thanks Gaynor...yeah I already had 3 tennis balls in the small shallow pond before and it still froze. I also noticed sometimes the tennis balls would go missing until I capture foxy and youngsters playing with them. They even brought me a dogs ball once lol

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • beautiful photos and addition to your thread Linda and such a treat to see all your spectacular garden visitors, the fox is such a stunner.


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Thanks Hazel...Foxy has won all of us over so no leftover meat ever goes in the recycle Wink

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Well not much has changed weather wise other than the snow has turned to thick ice

    as you can see the pigeons iceskating on the cabin roof

    lollipops a plenty

    its amazing how one adapts and drinks from the droplets on the chair

    must be something of interest under there

    it got a fright when a blackbird flew out from under it Joy

    BBs are doing really well on the feeders now

    and a very nice flyby yesterday morning..geese I presume?

    now  i wonder what cyril is thinking.....Joy

    Well guess it will be the garden for the foreseeable now with us all in lockdown again...not that I am complaining Wink

    Stay safe. take care

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Another lovely collections, Linda. Love the Squirrel contemplating an assault on the feeder pole!  And lucky you with all of the Long Tailed Tits!
    As for your photo of a flying flock against gorgeous blue sky, Mr GB and I do not think they are Geese--the tails and wings look to be the wrong shape but we'll need to wait for an expert opinion. Almost look very vaguely to be something like Skuas but are there any in the UK?! Wish I knew more.

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Thanks Ann...Yeah Cyril looking all lost and innocent...little devil lol. The lollipops are here several time a day now so good to see them all.. As for me flying flock..I was standing at kichen window unprepared when i say them out corner of my eye...time i grabbed a camera and unlocked the door that was the best pic I got...Never even heard of Skuas so thanks for you and Mr GBs input I shall put the question to the experts and try do some research

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)