Today was 'trudge' day and as normal there is plenty to tell ....I started the day at Edderthorpe…
And we didn't quite have snow, but the day did start with sleety showers. By the afternoon the sun was…
Like nearby Marshside, a quiet day. A Corn bunting singing, a Whinchat, 2 Wheatears, a Sedge warbler…
It was definately one of those colder spring mornings today, but the birds were going to be cool! With…
No sign of dowitcher today, yet, but a Wood Sandpiper near Nel's Hide. At Sandgounder's Hide were Reed…
Reed bunting and sedge warbler outside the Wildlife Watchpoint. Haverton Scrub was excellent for warblers…
I'll update this post later. Just to let folks know that garden warbler have been around all this…
An early morning visit to the reserve this morning to celebrate International Dawn Chorus Day. Although…