Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 30 October 2022


I hope everyone has a joyful week.

I saw a female turkey in a tree today, the wild woodland species, not a domesticated bird. She was huge and beautiful!

  • Yesterday fog cleared and it was a mostly sunny day – just the usual brief rain on Morrison carpark – always rains there!.. Lovely driving weather both ways, and moon was rising huge on our way home. Good shopping results too – and a lovely quiche platter lunch at garden centre. Even bought a lantern for dining room table setting. Seen all yesterday’s typos – didn’t have time to check – sorry!

    HEATHER – sorry to read about Amy – hope she will make a speedy recovery.

    RUSTY – I am told that CenterParcs at Penrith is good – former neighbours went often – mainly for pampering I seem to remember! If you don’t like it, you could take a wander down the road to the Llama Karma Cafe – maybe even a walk with Llamas!

    Brunch about to appear – I have said no to haggis and egg, so I am considering croissant and cheese instead.
  • I had an All-in-One computer for years/ Loved it!
  • So very sorry to read about Amy's health scare. Hope and pray that she makes a full and fast recovery!
  • Heather:   What a nasty wake-up surprise!  Can we assume Amy is stabilized now?  I don't know how insulin pumps work but wonder what happened.  It was thoughtful of the family not to call in the middle of the night when the only thing you could do is worry.  

    Rusty:  Nice that you have your own unit so you can hide out if it all gets too much. Swimming pools, especially if they're enclosed, can get very noisy.  Good luck with the golf game.

    Lindybird:  I keep thinking there has to be a way for your OH to get out of trimming that lady's hedge!  Grrrr.

    Off out in a bit; have a good day everyone.

  • Hello all and thank you for your kind messages.
    Amy is indeed responding to treatment, she is on IV insulin and has other IV s going in. Her glucose and ketone levels are much lower. Maybe her insulin pump has become faulty. It's frightening how quickly these things happen, it's the first time that she has developed DKA since she was diagnosed with Type 1 as a young child.
  • Heather - good to know that Amy is responding. It must have been so scary.
    Well, I watched the youngsters having a great time in the leisure pool so I decided to join them. I had great fun splashing around with the 2 4 year olds (sister’s grandchildren) The 6 year old can swim well so we were more adventurous and swam a circuit which involved us going outside!!!!!!! It is very well run I have to say.
    The mini golf tournament took place in the rain. 14 of us!!! My sister has our scores and is totting them up before we meet for our meal. She got 2 holes in 1. I think my brother in law will have won. I think I was distracted by all the red squirrels running across the holes and around. They weren’t a bit scared. I was thrilled to see them. I was going to go off in the forest looking for them with my binoculars tomorrow. No need for that. They are all around.
    Yes. Annette. I am very glad for my own peaceful unit.