From Wolves to Deer Stranger

It's an interesting time of year. No sooner has the excitement of Digger Alley calmed down but the Deer Safaris kick in. Plenty of big boys out there at the moment, showing off 

The small chaps are mostly keeping their heads down (very sensible)

Although even the big guys sometimes hide away in the trees, especially in the middle of the day when it can be a bit warm in the sun

The stags will try to avoid fighting, but this chap obviously had a close shave - it looks like a bit of antler stuck in his neck

Away from the deer however, we've also been able to spend a lot of time showing people Stranger - he's an Adder we've known for the last four years (the pattern on his face is unique so you can ID a snake year after year)

Adders don't move a great deal however, once they've found a nice spot, so your attention wanders when someone spots a galloping little body coming along the path

The Stoat doesn't stay long though - a good job as my attention was being diverted by a German Wasp chopping up a Common Darter - here just about to take away the juicy thorax flight muscles

But the prize for "Most Fascinating Creature hanging around Stranger" (yes, it is a thing!) has to be the wonderful Fly Wolf - it was enough for the macro probe lens to come out of its winter hibernation anyway!

After all the excitement, it just remains to calm down with a little bit of Marsh Harrier activity over the reedbed.

And.... Relax....


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