Minsmere in Mid October Part One.

October is a great month at Minsmere and with the weather perfect for Bearded Tits I arrived at sunrise on Tuesday full of optimism.

On the walk through the woods heading towards the path to South Hide the rising sun was coming through the trees.

The Great Egret was in the pool by the Wildlife Lookout Hide as it has been on my last few visits, this time beautifully lit by the very early sun at about 7.45 pm.

Then an overhead treat, 9 Common Cranes flying past, too spread out to get all of them in one frame.

There was lots of overhead activity, and the lighting great for flight shots.

Male and female Widgeon.

All the while I was looking out for Bearded Tits but so far only Blue Tits, but looking great.

Back at the Wildlife Lookout Hide the Great Egret had stopped playing statues and was having a good preen.

Getting frustrated at not seeing the Bearded Tits after 2 hours of patrolling the reedbed paths I looked about for anything that moved.

An Ichneumon Wasp, part of what appears to be a large family of parasitic Wasps. Any further info Whistling Joe?

After two and a half hours I thought I'd give up on seeing the Bearded Tits and head for Island Mere only to spot a group collecting grit just down the path from me.

After a short while they dispersed back into the reeds.

Then this male pooped up right next to me.

Then shuffled up the reed stem to pose in the open.

Then they were gone and the frustration of the two and half hour wait forgotten.

Heading for Island Mere a Stonechat, normally I see them on the dunes, in the reeds this time.

Through the woods a brief glimpse of a Treecreeper.

Then off to Island Mere to see what effect cutting the reeds back has made to chances of seeing Bitterns.

Best Wishes,
