RSPB Minsmere allegedly misses Sizewell C Deadline.

If this story from BBC local news is correct I am so devastated.. If this is the RSPB’s fault allegedly claimed in this local news and missed the deadline by one day. If this is allegedly true! The question must be asked how this could happened! As this reserve is arguably the best UK bird reserve! If this is true I’m really decimated and very upset. As I recently visited Minsmere for the first time in 49 news. And with all the other bad news internationally right now! This is just the last straw for me with this news! I’m so very upset if this mistake has been made by the RSPB themselves. I hope we hear from the RSPB themselves if this alleged story is true i really wonder what Bert Axell would say about all of this if he was around today!



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