• Wonderful Wetlands

    When you think of Minsmere, what habitats or wildlife come to mind? I'd hazard a guess that the answer, in most cases, will be related to wetlands. The Scrape, reedbeds, water, the coast, Avocet, Bittern, Marsh Harrier, Water Vole, ducks, gulls. Yes, Minsmere has dry habitats too - woods, heath, acid grassland - and their associated wildlife, but for most visitors, it's our wetlands that are most attractive.

  • The calm after the storm

    I hope you are all safe and well after yesterday's storms that affected many parts of the country. Here in Suffolk we avoided the worst of the weather, though it was certainly a dull damp day yesterday. What a contrast with today. A visit to Minsmere is so much better when the sun shines!

    Looking south from the North Wall towards the Scrape

    There's certainly been a lot to see over the past few days. Birds of prey…

  • Bulls and beards

    The return of some milder weather this week has brought with it some superb sightings of some of Minsmere's more popular and often elusive species.

    Bullfinches are beautiful birds, but despite the males' vivid red breasts, and the obvious white rump in both sexes, they can be frustratingly difficult to spot. Later winter and early spring is usually the best time to look for Bullfinches, as the absence of leaves makes…

  • Cold as ice

    There are several song titles that I could have used as the headline for today's blog, but given that we've got away quite lightly this time, I decided to keep it simple. It is certainly cold, with the temperature barely climbing above zero for the last three days, but at least we've not had the snow that many of you will be experiencing.

    The cold weather and clear blue skies make for some spectacular scenery…

  • 22 years ago today

    Can you remember what you were doing in early January 2003? I know, 22 years is a long time ago, so I'll forgive you if you can't. However, the date, 3 January 2003, is firmly etched in my brain. Why? Because that was the day that I started my dream job as Marketing and Publicity Officer here at Minsmere.

    It's hard to believe that 22 years later I'm still doing more or less the same job, though my job title changed…

  • A surprise return

    As I was about to start writing this week's update the radio crackled into life and Peter announced that he had refound the White-rumped Sandpiper. This was something of a surprise, as this scarce visitor from across the Atlantic hadn't been seen for more than a week. Where had it been in the meantime? On a local estuary? Out on the South Levels? Or perhaps simply hiding in plain site on the Scrape, overlooked as a Dunlin…

  • An Aukward moment

    Before I get the spelling police contacting me, the spelling in the title is deliberate, because one of the more unexpected sightings this week was of a Little Auk.

    Little Auks are one of the world’s commonest seabirds, breeding in vast colonies on cliffs around the edge of the Arctic ice, but they’re quite scarce birds in the UK.

    As the name suggests, they are tiny birds, being barely half the size of that…

  • Bring out the bugles

    As we move into December thoughts usually turn to planning for Christmas. For birdwatchers it's always a little different. Some will be looking to add one or two more birds to their final year list for this year. Others will be thinking about where to visit in the first few days of January in order to start next year's list off a high. Perhaps they'll even be trying to spot 100 species on New Year's Day.…

  • Tripping the light fantastic

    After all the excitement of last week's Hoopoe, things have settled down into a more normal late autumn pattern this week. Even the weather has followed that pattern, with dull wet days followed by crystal clear blue skies and morning frosts. Those clear bright days, like yesterday and today, have really shown off the reserve and its wildlife to the best effect, and like many photographers, I was busy with my camera yesterday…

  • Pretty in pink

    Minsmere has been a migration crossroads this week, with arrivals from North, South, East and West. We expect arrivals from the North and East in winter, while visitors from the West are scarce but not too surprising. However, it was the bird from the South that really stole the show in more ways than one.

    It is unusual to have birds from southern Europe visiting Minsmere as late in the year as this - they should by now…

  • Surf's up!

    There's always a risk when going on holiday that I'll miss something exciting at Minsmere while I'm away. Unusually, while I was Spain for half term (missing the worst of the flooding, thankfully), there weren't any rare birds spotted at Minsmere, though I did miss a murmuration of about 10 000 Starlings. Sadly, these seem to have dispersed just as quickly as they arrived, but we'll keep you posted if they return. I also…

  • Island Mere strikes again!

    I may sound like a stuck record at times, but as regular readers will know, I love Island Mere Hide. There is something magical about sitting quietly, scanning the reeds in the hope of spotting some of the amazing wildlife found there. Even a quick visit usually produces something interesting, but allow an hour or two and you are almost certain to be rewarded.

    That was certainly my experience on Tuesday when walked around…

  • Sunset Stroll - a snapshot

    Guest Blog by Kathleen Robertshaw, Volunteer Guide

    There are times when things just come together in a good way, and this was one of those times. As we gathered at Minsmere for the first of the Sunset Stroll guided walks the weather was good. The skies were clear, the breeze was a merest suggestion, and the light was energising.. After a few introductory words from our guides (Peter and Joe) we headed off to the top of…

  • Bird's-nests in autumn?

    I was pleased to find several bird's nests at Minsmere this week. 

    That may sound like strange statement to make in mid October. Surely most birds nest in the spring. True, unless you're a pigeon, which can nest in any month of the year. Plus, of course, I wouldn't go actively looking for nests during the breeding season, as that risks disturbing birds at a very sensitive time, although I may sometime come across an…

  • A pot of gold

    It seems like everyone I know managed to see the Northern Lights last night - except me! Even though I was driving north for an hour, after giving a talk to the RSPB Ipswich Local Group, the only lights I could see in the sky were stars. I know that they were seen here at Minsmere, as one of our volunteers who lives on the reserve managed to photograph them. Maybe next time. Tonight even?

    Anyway, I may have missed one…

  • Looking good!

    What a contrast this week. After a horribly wet, windy start to the week, the last couple of days have brought gorgeous blue skies and pleasantly warm sunshine, making a walk around the reserve much more enjoyable.

    One benefit of the wet weather has been t speed up the re-wetting of the Scrape following the completion of the delayed Life on the Edge-funded Scrape Enhancement Project. Our contractors had spent a couple of…

  • Small is beautiful

    Although wader migration is typically well past its peak by mid September, there's always a surprise just around the corner. Last year it was the discovery of Minsmere's first Buff-breasted Sandpiper for about 40 years that set the pulses racing. While not quite on the same level of rarity value, two of the smallest waders in the world sprung a surprise this week.

    First up was a Temminck's Stint that was found…

  • Into the wind

    The last couple of days have brought breezier weather, and a taste of autumn - though it's still remarkably mild when the sun is out. Wind can be both good and bad for birdwatchers.

    Bad, because many birds skulk down out of the wind, making it harder to spot birds in woodland and reedbeds. Bad, because it can be harder to walk into the teeth o f a gale, or to hold the camera/binoculars/tripod steady.

    Good, if you…

  • A wry smile

    In last week's blog I described some of the beautiful passage migrants that had been seen that day, including Red-backed Shrike, Pied and Spotted Flycatchers and Redstart, and celebrated having been able to spot them all in the Chapel Field.

    The very next day, and even rarer migrant was spotted in the nearby Sluice Bushes, where it remained until Monday. A Wryneck. Amazingly, a second bird was spotted along the entrance…

  • Like London buses

    I've talked many times in these blogs about the lists that birdwatchers keep, so regular readers will be know that, like many other birdwatchers, I am always keen to see as many different types of birds in a single year as I can. However, as I don't tend to rush around the country to look for rare birds, most of my birdwatching is restricted to Suffolk - and Minsmere in particular. By the this time of year, I have usually…

  • The golden hour

    There is something really special about the early morning and late evening light at Minsmere, which is why you'll often find our volunteer photographers burning the candle at both ends, and this week they've sent me a selection of their favourite images which perfectly sum up why they get up so early, or stay long after I've gone home. So good, in fact, that I feel that I have to feature a few in this week's blog.…

  • Waders galore

    First, an apology for the lack of recent sightings as a result of me taking a much needed couple of weeks off. Of course, as always happens when I go away, I did miss the excitement of one rare bird dropping in (more on that later), but at least I had been spotting a few scarce birds myself in the southwest.

    Without doubt, waders have been the highlights of the last few weeks, with more than 20 different species recorded…

  • The Wind in the Willows

    My favourite story as a child was The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame. Forty years on, it's still one of my favourites, though it's a few years now since I last read it. The stars, however, feature heavily in some of my recent sightings around Minsmere.

    Of course, the lead character in this fabulous book was Ratty. Despite his name, Ratty was not a rat at all. He was a different rodent, one that is most…

  • Watch where you step!

    "Watch where you step!" A phrase you might hear on Digger Alley, as concerned visitors and volunteers urge you avoid stepping on a burrow, or worse on an unsuspecting insect.

    Fortunately, the Beewolves, Green-eyed Flower-bees, Pantaloon Bees and other residents of Digger Alley are a resilient bunch. Being small, it's rare for us to squish them, even with my big feet. They're well used to re-excavating their…

  • Pond mayhem

    It's certainly been all go at the pond again this week. Admittedly it's better when the sun shines,. but even on a cloudy day there's plenty of wildlife to spot just a short walk from the visitor centre.

    Pick of the bunch for many are the Water Voles. Up to four have been seen again this week, with two noticeably smaller ones that we assume are youngsters from earlier in the year. Last autumn we had three…