I've had a few trips to Minsmere recently looking for Bearded Reedlings in particular. On one trip the conditions weren't favourable, windy and cloudy, but I did find one juvenile male feeding on seeds, sheltered a little way into the reeds and I just had to wait for the wind to part the reeds for an occasional clear shot.
Back at the pond the Water Vole had a period of activity.
Back again a few days later the conditions were perfect, calm and sunny, and there were quite a few Bearded Reedlings about.
Before I could find any more somebody mentioned the Shore Lark down by the sluice. Fortunately it was still relatively early and there were only about 3 or 4 other people watching and the bird which was very obliging, you just had to get ahead of it's direction of travel, keep still, and wait for it to bounce along quite close in front of us.
While this was happening there was a sighting of a Grass Snake sunning itself on top of a Gorse Bush.
The Shore Lark was still patrolling the path, taking time out for a preen.
By now the Bearded Reedlings had disappeared back into the reeds so it looks like I'll have to come back again for them.
Best Wishes,
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.