Mike, here is the intro.  Thanks. Karen

Last season Maya, the resident Manton Bay female, surprised us arriving back 12 March the earliest date ever recorded at a UK public nest.  The resident male, Blue 33(11),  her mate since 2015, arrived two days later on 14 March and the pair successfully raised two healthy chicks.  More details about the Manton Bay nest, including a table of the breeding data, can be found here.

Here’s wishing Maya and Blue 33 a safe journey home and for another successful season.

Some Useful Links:

Manton Bay Webcam

Rutland Ospreys Website

Rutland Ospreys Facebook

Rutland Ospreys Twitter

Map of Rutland Water Nature Reserve

The Lyndon Centre and Reserve Information

Chloe & Tigers Manton Bay Stats

Birdie Num Num’s  Copyright Notices & Webcams List

© Leicestershire & Rutland Wildlife Trust

Previous Threads:

Manton Bay 2016 - March,  April,  May,  June,  July,   August,

Manton Bay 2017 - March,  April, JuneJuly & AugustSept-End Feb18

Manton Bay 2018 - March, April, May,   JuneJuly, August,  Sept-End Feb 19  

  • Good morning, KAREN :)  I nearly had a heart attack then, thinking that the bird was blurred out by blobs and it might be a YOU-KNOW-WHAT !!! ;-D

    If you don't know what it is, we need CLARE here to ID it.  Magnificent gull of some kind ??? Or ???

  • Morning Scylla,

    You remind me of last year when I was blethering on about the EGs pink feet when I saw movement and then double looked at the nest thinking that aint an EG - it was a YOU_KNOW-WHAT !!! LOL

    I thought I was going to have a heart attack for my heart was pounding and I was shaking and roaring with excitement as I typed. And when I saw the "X" I was beside myself for I knew it was Maya.

    That was 12 March, only 2 days from now. I wonder if she will return again so early or perhaps Blue 33 will set off quicker to be here waiting for her. They really are an amazing pair.

    PS  I don't know what type of gull it is, perhaps someone more knowledgeable will let us know.

  • Trouble is, when we have to access RF for a new post, whether we do it via "post anything and edit" or by replying to a post before the last one on the page, we can't then quote from the last post :-/

    Anyway, I can imagine your excitement, Karen :)

    Googling pictures found me the possibility of a Lesser Black-backed Herring Gull.  As said, we need Clare, she is red-hot on gulls.

    Here's a roughly shortened video, not much more informative that your snap:

  • scylla said:

    Trouble is, when we have to access RF for a new post, whether we do it via "post anything and edit" or by replying to a post before the last one on the page, we can't then quote from the last post :-/

    Anyway, I can imagine your excitement, Karen :)

    Googling pictures found me the possibility of a Lesser Black-backed Herring Gull.  As said, we need Clare, she is red-hot on gulls.

    Here's a roughly shortened video, not much more informative that your snap:

    I did this by starting a  post below with nothing in and then coming back to yours!

    EDIT Then I went back and deleted the blank item!

  • Gosh Mike sounds a bit complicated, I probably won't be quoting posts :)
  • Thanks for the gull ID.

    Now the EGs are back -

    first one

    then the other

    (c) ROP

    They have long gone by the time it has taken me to post this.    

  • Mike B said:
    Then I went back and deleted the blank item!

    About to do that now.

    I notice that this quote is in the shaded box, but the one you just did, Mike, is not.  What will this turn out like?

  • Karen W said:

    Morning all - thanks for the updates.  Looks very cold this morning.

    A new visitor to the nest just now

    (c) RutlandOsprey Project

    That's a Great Black-backed Gull in my opinion. Massive bill, pink legs and distinctive white patches on the tail. 



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • It is a faff for sure Starling but until RF is sorted I'm afraid we've had to find out various ways of dealing with it!!
  • I can certainly ask Alan BUT I think the RF issue occurred during a change and it seems it may be more complicated as it was hoped to have been fixed a few weeks ago.