Obnoxious behaviour

On Sunday afternoon I was in Causeway hide. Another visitor joined in asking about sightings and sharing knowledge. I pointed out the water rail that others had previously shown me. Then after a few minutes another man snapped at us in an aggressive abusive manner to shut our gobs he'd come for some peace. WE were rudely dismissed as 'tourists' and other derogatory terms. I live within 2 miles of the reserve by the way. When challenged by the gentleman I'd been talking to he leapt up with fists clenched and I and a third person were obliged to step in to prevent him assaulting the visitor. As a result several of us left the hide shaken and angry at our afternoon being spoiled by this hot-headed intolerant idiot. It won't put me off visiting my local reserve but it may have done for others. Certainly when I see him again I will be tempted to curtail my visit for fear of his violent response. I did check as I left and can confirm that the hide doesn't bear his name so I assume he's a visitor like the rest of us.
  • I would certainly report such behaviour directly to the staff - clearly it is completely unacceptable and I'm sure the reserve team would be horrified to hear of it, before taking the necessary steps.  In such a situation, if safe to do so, a picture of the individual would be handy - it may well be that he is already known.  


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  • Hi Kevin. Could you please send me an email to jon.carter@rspb.org.uk - if you could include a phone number that I can reach you on that'd be great. I'd like to have a chat with you about this incident, if that's OK. Thanks. Jon Carter, Visitor Experience Manager.

  • Must be the same person / or a similar kind of individual to the one we encountered 9 months ago. Usually visitors are extremely polite - but having encountered that one put us off from visiting - I have to admit. We were at the reserve on a weekly basis prior to this but the thought of travelling over an hour to encounter such behaviour has put us off, admittedly .... and sadly.

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