• Sensational Starlings, Ring Necked Duck and Optics Open Weekend

    Starling Murmuration Photo Credit Jarrod Sneyd 

    What an amazing start to 2025, large numbers of Starlings coming in to roost in the reedbeds at RSPB Leighton Moss. With the recent wet and windy weather, the Starlings have been coming straight in to roost in the reedbeds. Monday was a lovely clear evening, and we were treated to a fabulous display and murmuration's as at least 60,000 Starlings arrived at the roost and…

  • Wildfowl Winter Wonderland and Optics Open Weekend

    Wildfowl on Lillian's Pool Photo – Credit Jarrod Sneyd 

    It has been a fabulous fortnight here at RSPB Leighton Moss, the pools are full of wildfowl and the sky is full of Marsh Harriers hunting and sky dancing.  There have been as many as seven Marsh Harriers in the air at the same time which is amazing to see.  We have seen the occasional Bittern flight, and an Otter was spotted in Grisedale pool earlier this…

  • Marsh Harriers and Otters plus Binocular and Telescope Open Weekend

    Male Marsh Harrier – Photo Credit Jarrod Sneyd 

    The last couple of weeks has seen some very mixed weather here at RSPB Leighton Moss including some very icy conditions! Following the first few frosts of the year the number of Bearded Tits visiting the grit trays increased much to the delight of our visitors. If you are lucky enough to get any pictures of ringed Bearded Tits on your visit, please do let the Welcome…

  • Winter Walks, Book Cycles and Optics Events

    Robin - Photo Credit Jarrod Sneyd

    This week has seen the first heavy frosts of the winter which has bought our gorgeous Bearded Tits out in good numbers to top up on the grit from the grit trays. After a break of five years, we have started to ring the Bearded Tits again. There will be more information on this and the history of the Bearded Tits at Leighton Moss coming very soon in a separate blog. Keep a look out on…

  • Garganey and Amazing Colourful Birds and Ducks

    With the falling golden leaves it really does feel autumnal and magical here at RSPB Leighton Moss. Our pools are full of a variety of beautiful colourful ducks such as Teal, Shoveler, Pintail, Wigeon and let's not forget the Mallards all in their lovely winter plumage. Keep a look out as you wander along the woodland paths for flashes of red, yellow and green as our winter visitors take cover in the trees, Redwing…

  • Golden Autumn Colours, Deer Encounters and Starlings

    Photo Credit Jarrod Sneyd

    The golden hours of sunrise and sunset are absolutely stunning on the reserve at this time of year with the beautiful vivid autumn colours and the falling leaves. At dawn and dusk the haunting sounds of the Red Deer stags ‘roaring’ can be heard around the reserve. Between September and November, its ‘Rutting Season’ when the stags and young bucks are protecting their females and warning off…

  • Bearded Tits and other sightings

    October at RSPB Leighton Moss is the prime time of year for getting a good look at our resident Bearded Tits. They often live deep within the reed beds and can be very illusive as they have enough food resources within the reed beds during the spring and summer months so that they can remain well hidden!  They eat insects and other invertebrates throughout the summer when they are in good supply. In the autumn when this…

  • Brilliant Bearded Tits, Otters and Other Reserve News


    Wow, what fabulous weather we’ve seen over the last two weeks here at RSPB Leighton Moss. The Bearded Tits appear to be a little earlier than usual this year and are showing very well on both sets of grit trays already. The Otters have been delighting our visitors at Lower Hide, on the Causeway and at Lilians Hide over the last two weeks. Come along and see if you can spot some of our wonderful wildlife here at…

  • Kingfishers, Pink Footed Geese and Little Stint

    We have had a fabulous fortnight here at RSPB Leighton Moss, we are excited to report that we’ve had regular sightings of Kingfishers delighting our visitors from Lower, Causeway and Lilian’s hides and from the bridge over the main dyke on the Causeway just beyond the Causeway Hide.  This is amazing as the more regular sightings are usually reported from the Eric Morecambe Complex. Despite its brightly-coloured…

  • It's Beardie season at Leighton Moss

    As a reedbed reserve Leighton Moss is home to some real specialist wildlife, species which are reliant on the particular conditions of a reedbed in order to feed themselves and raise their young. One of those species is the Bearded Tit also known as ...
  • Autumn Migration and Passage Visitors

    Autumn Migration and Passage Visitors 

    As the school summer holidays end, it’s hard to believe we’ve had a summer this year! We appear to have skipped straight from spring to autumn. Hopefully the weather outlook is set to improve for a while, starting from this weekend!  Some birds have already started their migration southwards, but as we move into September you will notice the transition as our summer visitors…

  • Purple Heron, Egrets and other reserve updates

    We have had a very busy couple of weeks here at RSPB Leighton Moss.  

    We had a fly-past of a rare Purple Heron  last weekend, seen at Lower Hide. The last time we had a visit from a Purple Heron here at RSPB Leighton Moss was in August 2023. This bird tends to hide more than the Grey Heron and stalks its quarry of fish, eels and the occasional small mammal, raising its head to the sky at times like a Bittern would, to blend…

  • Rare Summer Visitors – Pectoral Sandpiper, Curlew Sandpiper and Common Tern

    Here's Sue with the latest sightings blog from RSPB Leighton Moss.

    Wow, what a fabulous fortnight with sunshine, sunsets and rainbows and exciting, rare visits from a Pectoral Sandpiper, Curlew Sandpiper and Common Tern over at the Eric Morecambe and Allen Hides. We have also had reports of Common Sandpipers, Greenshanks, Turnstone and growing numbers of Lapwing and Redshank over at the saltmarsh. Every now and then…

  • What is happening at the Eric Morecambe and Allen Pools in August 2024?

    From Thursday 1 August to Thursday 8 August, there will be significant disturbance on the Eric Morecambe and Allen Pools as the Warden team get to work on some more improvements and repairs to the saltmarsh pools.

    Last summer the Wardens carried out some repairs to the banks of the Eric Morecambe pool. The plan was always to continue with further bank repairs this summer, with a focus on the Allen Pool. We will also…

  • RSPB’s Exciting Renovation: Replacing Lower Hide at Leighton Moss

    UPDATE 18/12/2024 In the last update we told you about the issues with the screw pile foundations. The decision was made that screw piles were not a suitable option as it was proving impossible to find stable conditions in our peaty ground. Instead w...
  • Honey Buzzard, Summer Holidays and Book Cycle and Art Fair

    Here's the latest recent sightings blog written by Sue.

    This last week has finally felt like summer has arrived here at RSPB Leighton Moss, just in time for the summer holidays! Come on down and enjoy a relaxing stroll through our wild and wonderful reed beds. See how many different species you can spot on your visit. Pick up a Wildlife Family Trail quiz sheet from our Welcome Desk for some summer fun with the family…

  • Rare Caspian Terns and wonderful waders

    Sue is back with the latest recent sightings blog for Leighton Moss. Enjoy.

    There was much excitement on the reserve last week when we had a very rare visit from a Caspian Tern seen at Lower Hide. The Caspian Tern is a very rare migrant from eastern and southern Europe, the last visit we had from one here at RSPB Leighton Moss was in June 2017 and before that 2005! There are approximately five sightings per year of these…

  • Humbugs, super Owl sightings and Red Deer (are you a morning or an evening person?)

    Super volunteer Sue is back with this weeks sightings blog.  


    If you are planning a day out in nature this weekend, why not come along to RSPB Leighton Moss and immerse yourself in the wonders of our amazing wetlands. No matter what the weather the landscape looks stunning with the vibrant summer colours and the reflections on the pools. Are you ready to welcome in the first days of summer celebrating the solstice? Why…

  • Chicks, Moths and other sightings

    Here's the all the latest wildlife sightings info put together by super volunteer Sue!


    Spring and the breeding season are well underway here at RSPB Leighton Moss, this is such an amazing time of year to visit our wonderful, wild wetlands. The beautiful Yellow Iris are flowering all over the reserve, these large sunshine yellow flowers brighten up the margins of our waterways, ponds, wet woods, fens and marshes.…

  • Ospreys, Eels and Incredible Journey’s

    Our super volunteer Sue has been gathering all the recent sighting info from around the reserve and put together this blog for us

    It’s been another fantastic fortnight here at RSPB Leighton Moss with daily reports of Bittern flights, Ospreys fishing and Marsh Harriers sky dancing.  The warmer weather is bringing out the Dragonflies and Damselflies, Butterflies and other seasonal insects. With the increased number…

  • Spring Time and New Arrivals at Leighton Moss and Morecambe Bay

    Our super volunteers Sue and Ann are back with the recent sightings blog, with additional info from another of our great volunteers, Dave.

     Wow, we have had an amazing two weeks leading up to the early Spring Bank Holiday here at RSPB Leighton Moss.  Osprey sightings are being reported every day from Causeway, Lower and Lilian’s Hide’s. Pied Flycatchers have been seen on the woodland paths and the Hirundine (Sand…

  • Warblers, Ducklings, Goslings and other recent sightings

    Volunteers Sue and Ann are back with our latest blog, bringing you all the recent sightings at Leighton Moss


    We are so excited to welcome the first of this years new arrivals, look out for the Mallard ducklings and Greylag goslings on your next visit.  This is such a lovely time of year on the reserve with new life everywhere you look, in the surrounding trees, reeds, plants and pools.  The spring colours are really starting…

  • Easter sunshine and April showers

    We had a great Easter Bank Holiday weekend here at RSPB Leighton Moss with warmer temperatures and some lovely sunny days. It has however been a mixed fortnight weather-wise which of course impacts on the wildlife and how it behaves. Some of the wildlife will take cover and stay out of sight while others are totally unfazed by it.  As the clouds descend so do many of the insects that the Sand Martin’s and Swallows feast…

  • Easter Excitement and New Arrivals

    Sue and Ann are back with the latest Leighton Moss sightings blog


    We have had a fabulous fortnight here at RSPB Leighton Moss.  We are delighted to have had sightings of Lesser Redpoll, Siskin and Chiffchafff and the reserve is filled with the sound of booming Bitterns and Cetti’s Warblers. Although not as regular now we have still had some great starling murmurations, a trip up the Skytower can never be a bad end…

  • March Migration and National Lottery Open Week

    One of our volunteers, Sue, is back with the blog for this week.

    March is an exciting month here at Leighton Moss as large numbers of migratory birds are returning to the UK for the spring and summer months. As the largest remaining reed-bed reserve in the North West of England Leighton Moss provides the perfect habitat for hundreds of these returning birds. Many are already busy nest building and using various tactics…