• September Wetland Bird Survey

    Slightly delayed, due to me being on holiday, but here are the much anticipated (!?) results from September's Wetland Bird Survey. 27 species were recorded, with a garganey being the standout bird. We also set a new WeBS record for the number of greylag geese on site, amazing news for those who love the relaxing sound of their angry honking call. Greylag numbers always seem to peak in September or October as they try and…

  • August WeBS count

    Summer is over, Autumn is here and so we're getting a good range of migrating, long-legged, mud-loving, wading birds dropping into the reserve. So far we've had black-tailed godwit (lots!), dunlin, ringed plover, green sandpiper, golden plover, greenshank, turnstone, curlew, common sandpiper, Temminck's stint, ruff, whimbrel, curlew sandpiper, little stint and sanderling... Not bad... Most of the waders drop into Phase…

  • Bittern breeding boom at Langford Lowfields

    The bitterns have done it again with another successful nest at Langford Lowfields. They first bred here in 2019 showing that our newly created reedbeds are just what they are looking for. Last year was a bit of a mystery as the reserve was closed for most of the year due to the Covid lockdown so who knows what was going on!

    Bitterns went extinct in the UK in the late 1800s and following a recovery in the mid-1900’s,…

  • The Seasonal Trail is now open for visitors - don't miss it

    If you stand at the 3600 viewing platform at Langford Lowfields reserve, you can look out over the southern part of the reserve which is normally kept for the wildlife only. This huge area is a favourite place for wild things and so they appreciate the peace and quiet during the breeding season.

    However now, most birds and other animals have had their families, and so we have opened up our seasonal trail. This is a …

  • Parking at Langford Lowfields – New Pay-by-Phone system

    Many visitors to Langford Lowfields reserve arrive by car and so our lovely car park is an important part of the visit. However, the car park and drive take a lot of maintenance. You would not believe how much roadstone we get through every year, and it all costs money.

    Your car park charges are a very valuable contribution to keeping the reserve accessible and looking good. RSPB members and Blue Badge holders park for…

  • July 2021 WeBS count

    In what is probably the fastest ever turn around in Langford WeBS history, here we have the results from the count last Sunday. As we enter the summer doldrums, butterflies and dragonflies start muscling birds out the way to take centre stage, but there is still a fair amount of avian activity around to keep people interested. With the potential of something more exciting never far away (yesterdays spoonbill for example…

  • Pay by Phone - new car park charging system

    As a bit of advance warning, at some point in July we’ll be starting to use the PaybyPhone system in our car park. We currently rely on a payment post, which has worked well, but the fact it keeps getting broken into, means that using the phone system will be a big improvement. It will also take cash handling out of the equation and will allow us to see who has paid. As before RSPB members, volunteers and Blue Badge holders…

  • Here comes the sun......

    Hoorah! It’s now officially summer, although the weather doesn’t always feel like it.

    Monday, 21 June was the summer solstice and that’s when the days are longest and the nights shortest. At the solstice we had 16 hours 55 mins of daylight at Langford and while we always think that the sun rises in the east, on that day it rose in the northeast (49o) and set in the northwest (311o).

    Well, a fortnight…

  • Common Terns find a home at Langford

    Thanks to Nottinghamshire Birdwatchers, we have a new home for nature at Langford, and it’s already received approval from some common terns who have taken up residence.

    We have a new “tern raft” floating on the water, funded by Nottinghamshire Birdwatchers, and we already have three pairs of common terns using it to raise their families.

      common terns on the raft, photo Stuart Carlton

    It is covered in…

  • June 2021 Wetland Bird Survey results

    Hot on the heels of the May WeBS count, here are the results from the June count carried out on Sunday. Loads of common terns, a few avocet clinging on despite the attention of the hungry peregrines and nice to see a few red-crested pochards, an uncommon visitor to Langford.

    Black headed gull


    Canada goose


    Common tern






    Great crested grebe



  • May 2021 Wetland Bird Survey results

    I've been distracted by various things, but finally, here we have the WeBS counts for May. 

    Black headed gull


    Tufted duck


    Grey heron




    Little egret


    Common tern


    Canada goose






    Great crested grebe


    Greylag goose






    Mute swan







  • Ne'er cast a clout 'till the may is out.

    And the may blossom is certainly out at Langford Lowfields. Great big cascades of blossom dripping from the hawthorn bushes all around the reserve signify that the weather is warming up. Now it’s time for clout casting, planting out your summer bedding plants and starting off your runner beans. The chance of a frost is receding fast, so summer is nearly here.

    The may, or hawthorn blossom, is the second eruption…

  • “One swallow does not a summer make” …… but a swift, that’s a different bundle of feathers.

    The swifts arrived back at Langford on 25 April, and for me that’s as good as summer. These must be my favourite birds, not only for their speed, agility and beauty in the air, but also for their mysterious and mystical lifestyle.

    They are one of the last of the spring migrants to arrive and they will be one of the first to leave. They will be gone in August spending only 3 or 4 months breeding in the UK. Not for…

  • Walking the walk at Langford Lowfields

    How do you like to take in your breath of spring at Langford Lowfields reserve?

    Do you like a brisk walk to cover the ground and blow away the cobwebs? Or do you prefer something more leisurely, to meander, or just to sit and let nature come to you?

    Well there’s something for everyone at Langford and we have produced this map to help you find your way around.

     There is a footpath which goes all the way round the…

  • Spring has sprung at Langford Lowfields

    Langford Lowfields reserve is blooming! The blackthorn blossom is painting vivid white clouds everywhere and the spring migrants are singing their hearts out.

    Most of the migrants are here although we’re still waiting for the latecomers. Reed warblers are the latest to arrive and joined the blackcaps, sedge warblers, chiffchaffs and willow warblers who arrived earlier.

    The unusual birds keep cropping up as well…

  • April Wetland Bird Survey count

    A good selection of species were picked up this month. With some of the lingering winter ducks being joined by spring time wader arrivals:

    Canada goose


    Greylag goose


    Mute swan






    Tufted duck




    Great crested grebe




    Black headed gull


    Grey heron


    Little egret




  • Welcome back ....... We've missed you!

    As a volunteer at Langford Lowfields one of my jobs is to record all the wonderful wildlife which is seen on the reserve. In the coming weeks I’ll be keeping you up to date with all the action, so watch this space.

    First of all a big HOORAY as Langford Lowfields reserve is open for visitors. After a winter of discontent, with major flooding, our wonderful sluice has managed to get most of the excess water back into…

  • Wetland Bird Survey counts for March

    Things are heading back to some form or normality and our team of dedicated WeBS volunteers were out again recently counting up the waders and wildfowl on the reserve. Jenny and I had done the last couple of counts during the main lockdown period, but with things easing off, the volunteer team were back in action. A few of the wintering ducks were still present on the count day, but their numbers will now quickly drop…

  • Re-opening next week (afternoon of 15th March)!!!!

    After a number of weeks of closure, following the severe winter floods, we're going to be re-opening the reserve on 15th March!! Please be aware though, this won't be at the crack of dawn and in all likelihood will be around lunchtime. The stay local message will still be in effect throughout March, but once we get into April we're expecting record numbers of visitors back on site again, experiencing the ever-changing…

  • The Great Langford Litter Pick

    In preparation for the highly anticipated re-opening of Langford, our fabulous Visitor Welcome Volunteer Team and Monday Team donned their wellies and undertook the ‘Great Langford Litter Pick’!

    Over the course of the day, we scoured the reserve for any and all rubbish that had accumulated from the flood. Together, we collected a grand total of 53.5kg of litter!

    The most interesting finds of the day include…

  • Reserve still closed!

    Unfortunately the reserve and car park are still not open. The flooding situation is on-going and until the Trent drops the reserve at least will remain closed. Water is no longer coming over the floodbank, but is still pouring in from Slough Dyke. The public footpath from the car park to the Trent was still flooded at the northern end yesterday and Slough Dyke is still blocking the footpath around the Southern boundary…

  • Reserve & Car Park Closed - Flooding!!

    Following on from yesterday's announcement, we're sad to say that the Trent came over the flood-bank last night and Langford is quickly filling with water. The reserve is now closed and will remain so until the Trent drops significantly and we can release water back off site (this might not be for a while!!). The car park is also now closed (as of 11am 23rd Jan). The site is completely full of water and with the…

  • Flooding likely (21-22nd Jan) !!

    Please be cautious if visiting the reserve. Water is pouring onto site in the South West corner and this is quickly bringing water levels up. Parts of the visitor trail are now submerged. After just checking the river adjacent to the reserve and the latest river level reading from the North Muskham gauging station, it looks like the Trent has still not peaked and with it tickling the top of the flood-bank, it may well…

  • Floating Bridge, Boardwalk and Seasonal Trail closed

    Just a quick blog, but I wanted to let you know that if visiting Langford, the Seasonal Trail is now closed for the year, this is both to reduce disturbance to wildfowl, because we're drawing near to the time when bittern start prospecting for nest sites and also because water levels are rising fast and the Seasonal Trail is the lowest lying path on the reserve, I imagine by the end of the week it'll start disappearin…

  • Lockdown Part 3

    Langford Lowfields remains open to visitors, however in line with government guidance your permitted daily exercise should be done locally wherever possible, you can travel a short distance within your area to access an open space, like Langford, but the expectation is that the reserve will be acting as a green resource for the local community rather than for our normally much welcomed visitors from further afield. Our…